Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] a short time " in BNC.

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1 He said Thompson had been involved in a traffic accident in which he had suffered a head injury and been concussed for a short time .
2 If the weather holds out work could be completed in a short time .
3 The course is being offered initially to some 100 IBM staff and participants will have the opportunity to gain credit for their prior learning thus enabling the course to be completed in a shorter time .
4 Would this be just another experience for him — a satisfying of his sexual needs , to be forgotten within a short time ?
5 In this situation , it is very difficult to maintain high standards , as such work usually has to be done within a short time limit , and often with very little space .
6 These courses could not be done in a shorter time so they were normally arranged for a time of year when there was less pressure of work on those participating .
7 A tranquillizer may help to reduce anxiety so that the person is better able to start tackling his problems , but the drug should only be used for a short time ( up to 2 weeks ) , and should be withdrawn once improvement in coping ability has begun to develop .
8 to save time : organisations make it possible for objectives to be reached in a shorter time .
9 The spread nuclei can be simply stained in acetic orcein ( Gurr ) under a coverslip and if the staining is slow , or the slides are to be kept for a short time , the coverslips can be ringed with rubber solution ( Weldtite ) to prevent the stain drying out .
10 ‘ Nevertheless , I have come to the conclusion , after much hesitation , that Mr. O'Brien did falsely represent to her that the charge was limited to secure £60,000 and that it would be released in a short time , when the £60,000 had been raised by remortgage .
11 He told her that it was limited to secure £60,000 and would be released in a short time .
12 ‘ He was not in the premier division of drugs dealers in Belfast and police have no reason to contradict his assertion that he had been involved for a short time , ’ the Crown lawyer added .
13 Train services on the Esk Valley line were delayed for a short time and the Sprinter train was allowed to continue its journey after it had been examined by experts .
14 The Leeward Islands had tried to ignore Carlisle 's lieutenant-governor as early as the 1630s , and when the islands became royal colonies in the 1660s they were treated for a short time as separate communities , with each island being regarded as an individual colony .
15 The successful " buck-a-day " cost-cutting programme that is used in the USA works because the strong motivation Is applied for a short time .
16 If the stress is applied for a short time , then removed , the sample snaps back to its original length suggesting that some ‘ memory ’ of its initial unstretched condition is retained .
17 Because motor torque decreases with increasing speed , a low stepping rate limit implies a high motor torque at all speeds and therefore fast acceleration , So the limiting speed is attained in a short time [ Fig. 8.8(c) ] .
18 One way of overcoming this is by spinning a large-area sample of the solid in the laser beam , so that any individual spot is irradiated for a short time only , and is able to cool before being brought back into the beam .
19 ‘ Nutrition , ’ John said , after he had been working for a short time .
20 She was joined for a short time by another dancer back from war service , Alan Carter .
21 The EC markets are closely linked , points out the Meat and Livestock Commission , and , although the sudden , sharp fall in UK prices was largely irrespective of other European markets , a similar move in Continental prices was expected within a short time .
22 He made notes and said that if he had a key to the house he 'd be able to plan what was needed in a shorter time .
23 Once examined , the church was opened for a short time so that the locals could view the remains prior to the coffin being resealed and put back ‘ as near as circumstances would admit , in status quo ’ .
24 Kidwelly was established within a short time of the Norman Conquest , and added to by various baronial families during the reign of King Edward I and later .
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