Example sentences of "[conj] stared at the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He knew that she stopped and stared at the sea or the sky far too much these days .
2 He lay on his back , as on so many previous nights , and stared at the ceiling and thought .
3 You need an awful lot of persuading to get doctors to start to use a new medicine and a classic example was of the treatment of depression , where the pharmaceutical manufacturers started to produce tablets which were very effective in stopping depression , not just feeling a bit blue but actual serious clinical depression where the person 's sat in the corner and stared at the wall and did nothing — I mean really serious depression — doctors took a long time to realize that there was an effective treatment for that and to start to prescribe it , and in fact actually doctors in Britain are rather good in that we prescribe many more effective treatments for depression , we diagnose it more often , and this we believe in our office that this is one of the reasons why the suicide rate has gone down in Britain quite dramatically in the last few years , because depression , which is obviously one of the main causes of suicide , is being effectively treated .
4 Then she fell back on the turf and stared at the sky until she deemed it time to go home .
5 Kim bit his lip and stared at the floor as his father rose to look meaningfully in their direction ; Tam and Lan also shifted uncomfortably under his gaze , which remained on them unwaveringly throughout their mother 's act of devotion .
6 Edward came back , dropped the planks , and stared at the kiln as into a mirror of his own increasing frustration .
7 Walterkin grinned widely and stared at the ground as he strode along .
8 The madman shook his head and stared at the bear but Athelstan saw him blink away the tears which pricked his madcap eyes .
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