Example sentences of "[conj] stared [adv] at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With a whimper of disgust and confusion , she sank into her chair and stared absently at the mound of paperwork .
2 At crucial moments , they froze in mid-stride and stared anxiously at the ground , their radios pressed to their ears .
3 Lissa adjusted her foothold on the sloping riverbank and stared crossly at the cabin cruiser moored on the gently rippling water .
4 Walking back into her room , she sat down on the bed and stared unseeingly at the wall .
5 He screwed up his eyes and stared unseeingly at the calendar on the further wall .
6 Questions poured towards the chair , and Mrs Murphy banged her gavel so hard on the coffee table that it left a mark , which distressed her so much that she forgot for a moment why she was hammering and stared sadly at the dent in the wood .
7 She stood with her hands clasped tightly together and stared frantically at the curtain rail , her face racked with pain .
8 She merely snorted , as I knew she would , and stared moodily at the blank of the comm .
9 He rolled onto his stomach and stared moodily at the grass .
10 He moved round and joined them and stared intently at the portrait as if seeing it for the first time .
11 George leaned back and stared consideringly at the questioner .
12 She laid down her letters and stared blankly at the wall .
13 Kelly switched on the television and stared blankly at the screen as some mindless cops and robbers show unfolded .
14 He rang off and stared gloomily at the phone .
15 Bull O'Malley suppressed a sigh , and stared gloomily at the fire .
16 John Harbour , as if looking into a mirror , leaned chummily against Babs Osborne and stared adoringly at the camera .
17 She paused in applying her make-up and stared reflectively at the mirror .
18 Athelstan stopped and stared hard at the coroner .
19 She filled in the columns next to Veronica 's name , and stared thoughtfully at the piece of paper .
20 His glass eye — he had lost the original when he was cleaning a gun — seemed to swivel further out of true than usual and stared pleasantly at the fire ; the real one looked like a razor .
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