Example sentences of "[conj] stared [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Benin moved to the writing desk and stared absently at the framed family photograph then turned back to Werner .
2 Then , slightly bemused , he lifted his head and stared round at the cheering crowd that had gathered in the doorway .
3 Evelyn trailed back into the scutching room and stared hopelessly at the huge basket .
4 Not totally sure she actually wanted to illuminate what she already knew she was going to find , she snapped down the switch and stared disagreeably at the glistening drops that plopped relentlessly on to the dresser .
5 Lucie lay back on his bed and stared up at the cobwebbed planks under the thatch .
6 He measured out thirty paces and stared up at the crenellated boundary wall which was about twenty feet high .
7 Still feeling perturbed , he went back into his house , lay on his pallet bed and stared up at the flaking ceiling .
8 Corbett leaned back on the bench and stared up at the smoke-blackened beams .
9 The deep , concerned voice broke through the dark haze of unconsciousness , and she blinked and stared up at the shadowy image of Guy Sterne 's face , bending over her .
10 I lay back and stared up through the intricate branches into the sky .
11 In the warm and cosy sitting-room Fred Bradley put down the evening paper and stared moodily into the bright fire .
12 Cranston breathed , and stared pityingly at the white-hooded faces .
13 Remembering just in time that this heartless cynic was responsible for getting her out of the clutches of the Gibraltar Police and Customs Service , Polly managed to bite back the caustic retort trembling on the tip of her tongue and stared blankly at the vast selection of starters and main courses .
14 He settled by the window and stared across at the red brick Communist club beyond the budding trees .
15 He turned and stared back down the muddy track .
16 Alone again , he turned and stared out across the shadowed lands of his estate towards the distant mountains .
17 Charlie grabbed a seat in the corner of an unlit carriage and stared out of the grimy window at a passing English countryside he had never seen before .
18 She shrugged and turned away and stared out of the tiny window .
19 Pascoe went to the window and stared out at the slanting rain .
20 He drew deeply on the cigarette and stared out at the darkening sea .
21 Instead , she went over to the window and stared out at the bright flowers , the trees , the green of the grass and the hills that rose up gently all around the house .
22 He sat and stared out at the drizzle-veiled Circle for a while , and then buckled on his sword and left his room .
23 Picking Gwen Bear up from the bed , and hugging the soft toy to her for comfort , she stood at the window and stared out at the cloudy night sky .
24 There was no sound from below and , carefully , Craig opened a door and stared out into the shabby passageway .
25 She rose and moved to the window and stared out into the silent square .
26 They wandered down a small incline where they stopped on a bridge and stared down into the browny green water .
27 Someone kicked his washing-bag over and stared down at the spilled shirt sleeve , the maroon-edged handkerchief .
28 She collapsed on to the window-seat and stared down at the spectacular landscape spread out below .
29 When Coleby had gone , Peter leaned against the wall and stared down at the worn linoleum .
30 Gladys Brown clenched her hands and stared down at the bony knuckles .
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