Example sentences of "[conj] look [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Another says : ‘ I pray best when I sit before the Blessed Sacrament , or look at the Crucifix without saying anything — just being with the Lord . ’
2 To find out about Alexander Technique classes or workshops , ask your local-education authority for details , search your local ‘ what 's on ’ in the newspaper or look at the noticeboard in your library .
3 ( 9 ) An evidence questioning question questions that look at the veracity of the evidence , e.g. " On what do you think the weavers of the tapestry based their picture ? "
4 yeah , perhaps is n't , cos look at the pain in your frozen shoulder , its pain and yet its nothing broke is there ?
5 I vote we walk into it and look for the summit under the water . ’
6 He 'd open the door , take a few sips , close the door and look for the principal in the toilet .
7 erm they have not in the past proved themselves to be the most capable o of people to er to support these things so in conclusion I 'd say that we must put this as part of a shopping list , the shopping list is on there er it is something to bring London and the South East of England which includes Hertfordshire and to make it an economic and viable area and look at the evidence of the other cities and I hope that er all of you will support the motion .
8 In our drama we can change the frame ( see Chapter 4 ) and look at the story from the point of view of the people in the castle .
9 And we believe we already offer that , I think the figures indicate that and therefore in the medium and the longer term I believe that our attractions will undoubtedly benefit and I would finally say that if you er , go back and look at the history of Disney in America , after the establishment of Disney Parks in America there was a big improvement in extension of the amusement parks in the rest of America which er , the traditional theme parks , so called , in America grew in the period after the establishment of Disney Land in California and I think a similar sort of thing is going to happen , not perhaps just in this country er , but also in Europe generally .
10 They survive on amino acids and look at the state of them . ’
11 Take the first turning left for Bouzy and look at the formation of vines on your right as you approach the village .
12 One reason was for communications , but another reason that was rather intriguing to scientists was that they could actually look at stars and look at the space between the stars and use a different region of the spectrum , in particular the radio region .
13 Botanical guides had their heyday during the Victorian mania for fern-collection , which stripped the mountains bare of many of the rarest species — go and look at the grave of ‘ Wil Boots ’ in Nant Peris churchyard for the story of this in miniature .
14 ‘ It were a seven-year-old in them days , and look at the date on this card — ten years ago .
15 ‘ It is time for the party as a whole to take a step back and look at the way in which its democracy is being carried out , ’ he told the conference .
16 What Marshall and Clock did was to vary certain aspects of text structure , and look at the effect in terms of how well subjects were able to write about what they recalled from the passage in question .
17 In Wales for example where HSU 3 ( History Study Unit ( History Curriculum , England ) ) consists of the core unit " Early peoples , Celts and Romans " , on a museum visit or using material from a museum loan collection , the class might compare a flint scraper and the remnants of an iron knife blade , and look at the importance of the discovery of metals , and the differences it has made to people 's lives .
18 When I asked if I might walk through the camp and look at the castle from the other side , Cinderella looked distressed , so I said ‘ never mind ’ and made my way back to the stone stile .
19 So what happens if we do something similar and look at the world through a single object — the humble apple , for instance ?
20 If the Minister of State wants to see what that is like , she should go into the City tonight and look at the number of people who are sleeping in the cold because there is no accommodation for them .
21 It made me look at myself again with a more critical eye and say yes , I can be more positive and look to the future with renewed optimism .
22 We realise that this is a subject which warrants much consideration , as we think about the life and reverence of our churches and look to the future for .
23 Most are on the ground floor and look onto the garden with deck-chairs and tables outside .
24 With the development of machinery , the mass produced object intended to disguise its origins and look like the product of hand labour has become well established .
25 But look at the scene in which Ludwitt comes back .
26 But look at the contrast on p81 , after Eddie has messed things up and made Catherine miserable — she says that he is a rat .
27 Borrow , said his partner Jim , borrow , but look at the price of borrowing .
28 True , Namibia was not a country when the 1991 World Cup preliminaries were held in Africa , but look at the challenge from Africa in the form of Zimbabwe .
29 big dinosaurs so I 'd like to show you just how big their faces were because look at the height of that ostrich .
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