Example sentences of "[conj] we [verb] [prep] ourselves [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Children and young people are entitled to the same levels of respect , consultation and competent practice that we advocate for ourselves as professional workers .
2 Depending on who you are , some of these fantasies may well come true , but for most of us , these are dreams that we keep to ourselves for company on lonely training runs and to help with motivation .
3 Internal ‘ drivers ’ are additional pressures that we put on ourselves at work and at home .
4 ‘ We can do nothing for Eastern Europe if we fail among ourselves in a few days ’ time to agree on economic and monetary union , social and environmental policies so that we can complete the European single market on time . ’
5 Yet whether we think of ourselves as secularist or as religious , we can not be absolutely certain in such a way that our certainty can not be challenged by other people .
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