Example sentences of "[conj] they wait for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After a short discussion on the merits of the duck , he decided to join her ; and while they waited for the first course to arrive , he regaled her with a colourful account of that afternoon 's meeting in the history department to sort out the timetable .
2 ‘ Why two rooms ? ’ asked Billie as they waited for the slow-moving lift to ascend to the third floor .
3 ‘ What do you mean ? ’ she demanded angrily as they waited for the ancient lift to grind its way up from below .
4 The healthy stayed away , or hovered sceptically at the back of the crowd , talking as they waited for the first miracle .
5 All sounds were muffled except the song of the birds and the pigeons were puffed up , looking as if they were wearing greatcoats , as they waited for the generous breakfast which they knew Jane would bring out to them .
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