Example sentences of "[conj] it can [be] argue that " in BNC.

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1 They amount to an inducement to encourage employees to accept overseas postings although it can be argued that they do offset the additional costs which may be incurred through unfamiliarity with customs , language and general way of life .
2 Although it can be argued that the ultra vires doctrine in company law was originally used to try to prevent concentration in industry this task has fallen primarily to competition law .
3 It also remains unclear to what extent disabled people working in the health and caring professions have a better understanding of illness and disability than their able-bodied colleagues , although it can be argued that this should not be a central Issue as disabled people should not be expected to perform better than other people in order to be acceptable .
4 Although it can be argued that the arousal manipulation in their particular study could be operating on the lower portion of the curve , it does appear that numerous studies on vivid and flashbulb memories have suggested that highly emotionally arousing life events are remembered in surprising detail over very considerable retention intervals .
5 However , the little word ’ normally ’ is slipped in , so that it can be argued that there are extenuating circumstances .
6 It is true that many sociologists of religion have suggested definitions of their subject matter , but there is no clear agreement and it can be argued that if we were to stick to only one definition then we would not be able to ask — let alone answer — some of the questions in which they are interested .
7 This has the advantage of improving house-keeping and it can be argued that the absence of human beings reduces the danger of starting a fire .
8 Nevertheless , both MSC and other agencies are involved in training schemes for adults , and it can be argued that this is the most appropriate form of ‘ educational ’ provision for the unemployed .
9 To this extent , then , a photon feels the gravitational force and it can be argued that a photon should travel along a curved path in a gravitational field .
10 The justice meted out in children 's games ( like that on the screen ) may be rough and ready , but it can be argued that ‘ violent play ’ is by no means all negative .
11 It still represents a cost to the Exchequer and a loss of potential output , but it can be argued that it is not particularly distressing to the people concerned and , for the economy as a whole , it may actually result in a more efficient use of labour : this is because high short-run unemployment may be a reflection of greater mobility of labour between jobs and areas and consequently may result in the labour force being more suitably and productively employed .
12 But it can be argued that this will not give a quick cash flow fix at present due to the difficulty of disposing of a lease .
13 Their own proposals for reform are aimed at restructuring the British press but it can be argued that even they fail to come to grips with the sort of major ‘ shortcomings ’ of the press ( and media ) identified above .
14 Goldthorpe has argued that this justifies studying only male mobility , but it can be argued that women 's occupational position and chances are both important sociologically , and important to women and their families .
15 The introduction of life peerages was partly designed to broaden the base of membership but it can be argued that life peers have not made as large a contribution to the work of the House as had been hoped .
16 McLuhan lambasted the print media for encouraging linear thinking , but it can be argued that this way of thought brought to mankind very substantial benefits which one is not confident would be matched by the uncriticized new tribalism .
17 They are good educative examples of the search process , but it can be argued that they have little to do with practical intelligence .
18 But it can be argued that we should not view rights in this way , and that when their use has adverse effects on third parties , rights should not be treated as signifying a moral entitlement in the right-holder to bring about those effects .
19 But it can be argued that marketing has a significant role within any social work agency .
20 Marxism has sometimes been regarded as a positivist approach since it can be argued that it sees human behaviour as a reaction to the stimulus of the economic infrastructure .
21 Whilst it can be argued that physical regeneration , not job creation , was MDC 's original priority , the extension of the boundaries removes this premise .
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