Example sentences of "[conj] it [be] clear that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They were prepared to discover the intention to establish such a legal relationship in facts , to construe a trust where it was clear that this was necessary to validate the testator 's intentions even though he had not realized this requirement himself .
2 Although it is clear that mountainous areas with few nearby notable pollution sources are receiving their pollution burden from regions or countries several hundreds or thousands of kilometres distant , it is difficult to determine precisely from which source or sources the pollution originated .
3 Although it is clear that most of these groups were not representative they were instrumental in directing government funding to projects of limited use to the majority of residents , ‘ neighbourhood stabilisation ’ apart .
4 Although it is clear that these changes were made in order to admit light to the new , deep-plan living accommodation , it is conceivable that the judicious use of ranges of standard reversible and ventilating roof windows might have provided an answer to this requirement which would have been less erosive of the original external appearance .
5 It was always intended that single men would have their pension rights protected while at home looking after children or dependent relatives , but it was not until the regulations were published in January 1978 that it was clear that married men would be included .
6 The headhunting phenomenon of moving teams gained itself a bad name , and it is clear that such a practice is still scorned by many of the most reputable executive search firms and by many companies too , although it is accepted that it happened comparatively rarely .
7 Exactly similar inferences can be made in cases like example ( 18 ) , and it is clear that such inferences are fundamental to our sense of coherence in discourse : if the implicatures were not constructed on the basis of the assumption of relevance , many adjacent utterances in conversation would appear quite unconnected .
8 Also , it has proved very difficult to reproduce the events which led to Fleming 's famous observation , and it is clear that many versions of the story which were published 15 or more years later , after penicillin became famous , drew on faded but vivacious memories and are more or less imaginary .
9 This analysis was not universally accepted , and it is clear that many preferred to tackle the problem of dishonesty through preventative action than to vacate the ‘ moral high ground ’ by abandoning or altering too radically the present basis of claim settlement .
10 Total membership fluctuated widely around 5,000 and it is clear that many members only stayed with the Party for a short time .
11 Many experiments have been carried out on the perception of stress , and it is clear that many different sound characteristics are important in making a syllable recognisably stressed .
12 The main variables for the inner-city research ( most of which were reported in J. Milroy and L. Milroy , 1978 ) were therefore selected on the general principle that a large number of tokens must be identifiable in the data , and it is clear that this stark necessity must override any other consideration .
13 In 1963 the hundred largest UK enterprises controlled on average only 40 plants each within the UK : by 1972 this had increased to 72 , and it is clear that this period of domestic expansion and takeovers was also the main period of international expansion by TNCs .
14 Sugar is the natural food of yeasts ( which is why they are used in brewing ) , and it is clear that sugary diets do encourage Candida to grow .
15 We may imagine a measure of disappointment when these requests were vetoed by the committee , and it is clear that some re-education of staff must have been necessary in arriving at appropriate submissions .
16 Over 50% of women who have abortions are single , and it is clear that most of these have abortions for this reason ( ie Reason Two ) .
17 It is said that those whom the gods wish to destroy , they first make mad , and it is clear that Tory Ministers are mad .
18 ‘ 63 teams from all over the UK took part , and it was clear that many had been training for months .
19 The band agreed to let them issue a cassette containing a free badge and it was clear that both parties were supporting each other .
20 Many of my envelopes came back ‘ Return to Sender ’ , and it was clear that most members had died or were very elderly .
21 Faces which earlier had seemed a little sombre were now wreathed in ecstatic smiles , and it was clear that this was what they had come to hear .
22 It is very important that a peace-keeping force should not be sent to Yugoslavia until there is a peace to keep , and until it is clear that all the warring parties both invite and allow that peace-keeping force to operate .
23 His nationalisation and fury at British exploitation made it impossible for him to compromise even if it was clear that this policies were self-destructive .
24 The first temple at Mallia , raised in about 1900 BC , was equipped with storage rooms , but it is clear that other buildings , apparently houses , in the town of Mallia were also equipped with store-rooms .
25 Most of its 380,000 population is economically dependent on the Black Sea Fleet , but it is clear that many have run out of patience with the arguments .
26 Constituency party activists were certainly mostly pro-Thatcher , but it is clear that many MPs used the secrecy of the ballot to oppose her .
27 In the US , for example , where the socialist party failed to establish itself as a major party after a fairly rapid growth in the first decade of this century , it has long been argued that the presidential system is a major obstacle to the development of third parties , and undoubtedly these constitutional factors have been important ; but it is clear that many other social and economic characteristics of the US have had a preponderant influence in determining the absence of a large-scale independent socialist movement or party there ( Sombart , 1906 ; Laslett and Lipset , 1974 ) .
28 Most attention has been focused on the ionotropic receptors ( like NMDA and kainic acid receptors ) , but it is clear that metabotropic receptors operating through the InsP 3 and DAG messenger systems have a profound effect on neural behaviour , including memory .
29 There was no evidence of this , but it is clear that old rivalries were used as an excuse for fights .
30 it is a tempting leap to suggest that sign language may be the natural alternative development when auditory deprivation occurs at birth , but it is clear that objective evidence on this is not easily obtained .
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