Example sentences of "[conj] he [verb] himself in the " in BNC.

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1 Best of all , his work would take on a new virility once he rooted himself in the earth and responded to what he called its ‘ music ’ , experiencing its moods as ‘ symphonic , dramatic ’ .
2 And he found himself in the starting line-up when top scorer Chris Kiwomya went down with flu .
3 Practice partner Jack Nicklaus also had an ignominious start , and even Norman himself had contemplated whether he might sue the Royal & Ancient if he injured himself in the dune grass .
4 He was told that , if he behaved himself in the segregation block where he was being held , he would be allowed to make a call to his father who was seriously ill .
5 His Irish wife , Aylish O'Flaherty , ran off with their son , whom she feared would be raised as a heretic ; this was enough , by the statutes of the time , to have the marriage dissolved and the boy dispossessed ; but he distinguished himself in the Civil War , raising a troop of horse for the royalists , while the castle was occupied by Cromwellian troops .
6 Then he was reaching for his own glass and inviting her to sit in one of the wicker armchairs overlooking the bay while he seated himself in the chair beside her .
7 She had gone out to the Windmill for ale while he contented himself in the kitchen .
8 The Frenchman 's only other classic win came in the Bordeaux-Paris race in 1983 , a year before his career was endangered after he shot himself in the hand while hunting .
9 Colour Sgt Oram 's Queen 's Gallantry Medal was awarded after he placed himself in the firing line time and time again saving the lives of others .
10 Colour Sgt Oram 's Queen 's Gallantry Medal , was awarded after he placed himself in the firing line time and time again saving the lives of others .
11 Surere was already looking sleeker , Huy thought , as he tried to banish the servile feelings which still rose to the surface when he found himself in the company of his former superior .
12 His eyes skimmed her face , his expression unreadable , as he seated himself in the armchair opposite her .
13 Actually , thought Henry , as he checked himself in the mirror , no one , not even the police , would be stupid enough to imagine that Elinor could be the victim of a crime passionnel .
14 In fact , thanks largely to Sir Robin Day — ‘ the Grand Inquisitor ’ , as he calls himself in the title of his new book — the impression that the average viewer probably has of politics on television is that it is predominantly adversarial .
15 He looked , he thought as he examined himself in the mirror , more than usually hideous .
16 Extraordinary as those visits were — and as warmly welcomed as he found himself in the diverse Kesparates of Yzordderrex — the city state was an autocracy of the most extreme kind , its excesses dwarfing the repressions of the country he 'd been born in .
17 ‘ Right , ’ he said as he settled himself in the chair .
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