Example sentences of "[conj] stare [adv] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 No hair-stroking or sighing or staring sorrowfully at the ceiling , not for her .
2 Felicity had come out in a severe facial rash and spent the time either screaming or staring fixedly at the paperknife on her desk .
3 If the prey looks up and stares straight at the lion or tiger , the big cat looks sheepishly away as if suddenly indifferent to the whole business of predation .
4 He flung the bedcovers off and stood up , shaking and staring wildly into the darkness , trying to identify the threat , knowing it had to be the Corsican and bracing himself for the shotgun blast that would cut him in half , disembowel him , blow his head off , send it bouncing across the floor of the bedroom .
5 Kidd glanced across at the cornered Volkswagen , its terrified inhabitant , the three FBI men examining the empty attaché case , two more Yankees standing back and staring hopefully at the sky , and three of his colleagues trying to take statements .
6 Two lynx , sleek and amber in the first enclosure that he passed , were disregarding the tourists and staring possessively at the peafowl across the way .
7 Nic has flu , is exhausted and is sulking , pouting and staring blankly in the corner .
8 The Curator did not see the look in Mr Wolski 's eyes as he glanced back to the window and stared again at the wolves outside , who had turned to face the icy wind with narrowed yellow eyes .
9 With a whimper of disgust and confusion , she sank into her chair and stared absently at the mound of paperwork .
10 At crucial moments , they froze in mid-stride and stared anxiously at the ground , their radios pressed to their ears .
11 He lighted his cigar , puffed furiously , sank back in his seat , as far as it would allow him to , and stared fixedly through the windscreen , already lightly furred with snow .
12 Meredith came to a halt by the florists and stared mistrustfully into the window .
13 Lissa adjusted her foothold on the sloping riverbank and stared crossly at the cabin cruiser moored on the gently rippling water .
14 Walking back into her room , she sat down on the bed and stared unseeingly at the wall .
15 He screwed up his eyes and stared unseeingly at the calendar on the further wall .
16 A big constable elbowed his way past a sheepish-looking Dai and stared suspiciously round the room .
17 Questions poured towards the chair , and Mrs Murphy banged her gavel so hard on the coffee table that it left a mark , which distressed her so much that she forgot for a moment why she was hammering and stared sadly at the dent in the wood .
18 Tess went inside the ancient church and stared sadly at the tombs of her ancestors .
19 Damien , sickened , and a little frightened , turned his back on the crowd , and stared sulkily across the street .
20 She stood with her hands clasped tightly together and stared frantically at the curtain rail , her face racked with pain .
21 He sat on the top of the large expanse of teak desk and stared coldly at the men who had made it to the top of one of the biggest corporations in the world , employing nearly one million people .
22 She merely snorted , as I knew she would , and stared moodily at the blank of the comm .
23 Lord John Rossendale , elegantly handsome in white breeches and silk stockings , black dancing shoes , and a gold-frogged cutaway coat with a tall blue collar and twin epaulettes of gold chain , stood at the bedroom 's window and stared moodily at the Brussels rooftops .
24 He rolled onto his stomach and stared moodily at the grass .
25 He moved round and joined them and stared intently at the portrait as if seeing it for the first time .
26 George leaned back and stared consideringly at the questioner .
27 She laid down her letters and stared blankly at the wall .
28 Kelly switched on the television and stared blankly at the screen as some mindless cops and robbers show unfolded .
29 Alyssia sat up and stared across towards the horizon .
30 He rang off and stared gloomily at the phone .
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