Example sentences of "[conj] sit [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For that sum they could parade up and down the grounds at any time of day or sit on the grassy banks at will . ’
2 Any homework Ruth saw to at Emma 's flat , or sitting on the dark-blue bed .
3 Talk for hours , strolling along the gravel walks in the sleepy heat of the afternoon , or sitting round the great fireplace at night .
4 She should be introduced with an air of pride and affection to your friends and neighbours if she does not know them already , accompanied to all the places locally which will be of special interest to her in the future : the public library , the shopping centre , the best places to go for morning coffee , and any small parks where she might like to walk or sit in the fine weather .
5 And if you 're worried in case anyone in the family has drunk out of a cup her husband used , or sat on the same loo seat or given him a friendly kiss , relax .
6 Intensive NMR studies in collaboration with Kurt Wüthrich have led Walter Gehring ( Biozentrum , Basel ) to conclude that the DNA binding specificity of the homeobox genes he discovered ( which are transcription factors specifying segmental identity in metazoans from insects to humans ) is determined not only by the ‘ recognition helix ’ that sits in the major groove of the DNA , but also by a flexible segment at the amino-terminal end of the homeobox which appears to wrap around the DNA so as to contact the minor groove .
7 Yeah , so I mean if you have a win yeah , and a woman that sat on the next table to me .
8 ‘ Now ’ , he said , ‘ I could have spoken to the very crows that sat upon the ploughed land before me . ’
9 They had n't negotiated any furniture to get to the far side of the room and sit against the opposite wall and she had the impression , either because of that or because of the resonance of voices , that the room was empty .
10 I 'd go to the SS Great Britain and sit by the breezy river , and I 'd compose my stupid self and compose my story so that I could tell lies confidently instead of giving myself away .
11 and sit in the front rows for any play
12 Come in , come and sit in the front room .
13 So he gives him a pint of water , he goes and sits with the other ones .
14 You always have your meal in the kitchen and I 'm not opening the dining-room at such short notice , but you can go and sit in the front room if you want to . ’
15 Oh shall we go and sit in the other room while daddy finishes the washing up ?
16 Well , come on we 'll go and sit in the other room .
17 and sat below the Sacred Heart .
18 ‘ Come and have a drink , ’ said Cormack , and they moved into the bar and sat at the fixed tables and watched the glasses slide from rim to rim .
19 Modigliani , of course , spotted her at once and came and sat at the next table .
20 They were all pretty well oiled by then so I went back and sat with the other children .
21 She rose , crossed the room and sat with the dark man on the floor .
22 At first she hovered in the farmyard , then she wandered over to the stables and sat on the outside steps up to Louis 's workroom .
23 She picked up her coffee and sat on the far end of the wide bunk , feet curled under her , watching him speculatively as she sipped her drink .
24 And then he went and sat on the blue dralon chair in the immaculate drawing-room , the bottle of scotch at his side , Rose 's dress draped carefully along the sofa as if she were in it and alive .
25 He worked slowly but efficiently for nearly two hours , fearing that , if he did not finish the work quickly , frost would make it impossible for him to continue ; then , tired and sweating , he went and sat on the front doorstep to rest .
26 He went out and sat on the top step of the staircase like a banished child waiting to be admitted .
27 She went in , and sat on the bottom step of the staircase .
28 Having come prepared with a warm coat , mackintosh , and umbrella , I braved the elements , and sat on the open stand to watch this enjoyable match , as did quite a few others .
29 Nor had the later overlapping visitation of hippies of the Sixties taken place , who had followed the gipsy processions , of which Alexander now told Frederica , and stayed and sung and smoked and loved and sat on the white beaches , so that the pale sand came to resemble road-dirt anywhere .
30 She went out into the small back garden , and sat on the tiled patio in a canvas chair , staring at nothing .
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