Example sentences of "[conj] i walked [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Shortly after I joined the Crofters Commission , the Chief Technical Officer and I walked across the old shieling ground , in the heart of a large general common pasture , in another of the islands .
2 The horse was led back to its stable and I walked to the far end of the house , where there was a lawn of coarse-bladed grass , brown with the heat , some exotic-looking flowers in a stony border , and cushioned garden chairs standing bright in the dappled shade of what looked like a cherry tree .
3 She and I walked in the ancient garden , talking quietly about our childhood meetings .
4 But I walked round the barbed wire and crawled inside the little ground that lay beyond .
5 As I walked to the fair I noticed a polystyrene cup , a discarded baby 's dummy and a chicken leg ; hardly a balanced diet for a fox .
6 It was a large field and I could see the barn at the far end as I walked with the tall grass brushing my knees .
7 It was a cold , wet , typically late autumnal afternoon as I walked along the old trackbed , avoiding the many puddles of murky rainwater on my way .
8 But as I walked across the jarred and cratered road and sensed the usual quickenings of irony and aggression I also sensed something further — I sensed that my weight , my mass , my meat was being appraised , registered , scaled , not with lust , no , but with a carnal speculation I had never felt before .
9 At the hotel I paid him in cash with a bonus and sent him on his way , and was in time to see Filmer 's backview receding into a dark-looking bar as I walked into the big central hall lobby .
10 I could hear the shotgun barking as I walked through the dim , dripping woods from the house , staying off the muddy path as much as possible and walking on the flattened , exhausted-looking grass at its side to keep my shoes from clogging up .
11 One afternoon , as I walked under the tall arches of the Palazzo della Pilotta , the immense , pale-pink building constructed in the time of the Farnese with millions of thin bricks , a fat middle-aged man exposed himself to me .
12 As I walked down the front steps for the last time , a feeling of elation swept over me .
13 There was still a Mediterranean atmosphere , as I could see as I walked beneath the Spanish arch along the cobbled quayside towards the harbour .
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