Example sentences of "[conj] be required for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It may thus be concluded that , if the leading terms in the expansions for the functions f and g are given by ( 10.34 ) , then the boundary conditions that are required for the solution to describe colliding plane waves are satisfied if .
2 These public contests are firmly based on agreement as to the fundamental characteristics of the type of regime and economic system that is required for the country .
3 The other advantage of affray for the prosecutor is that it requires a less exacting proof of mens rea than is required for the offences against the person .
4 The types of behaviour to which this motivation is said to lead include employing a larger staff than is required for the purposes of the business , lavish expenditure on office accommodation , transport , and various forms of entertainment , and on image- building ( but not cost-justified ) advertising , and charitable giving .
5 A second convention met in July 1833 and in an effort to improve the bill had a delegation denounce apprenticeship to Stanley 's face and managed to unite behind a Buxton amendment that apprenticeship should be for no longer than was required for the welfare of the slave .
6 Carnitine is essential for muscle energy production and is required for the transport of long chain fatty acids and acyl co-enzyne A derivatives across the inner mitrochondrial membrane .
7 The easy answer was that a person absent without leave ( that is a person who does not have the leave of his or her responsible medical officer within s.17 of the Mental Health Act 1983 to be absent from the hospital ) is a person unlawfully at large ( as is required for the operation of the entry power in s.17 of PACE ) .
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