Example sentences of "[conj] they [verb] n't actually [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Although they did n't actually mention it , he said , he began to realise they were looking for suggestions that rituals had taken place , that he and his wife were part of it , and that their children were victims .
2 I did n't see this as being primarily er a , a reflection on the day as such , although they have n't actually had the opportunity to sort of mull it over .
3 Denise reveals that they had n't actually planned another child .
4 They , they did have the option that they could have had complete absolute egalitarianism and made everybody into a poor peasant , but the commun but the commun the Communist Party were progressive and they s saw that how that you needed to have industrialization in order to increase the welfare of peasants which was their ultimate aim , and I mean it appears that how that they did n't actually care er what kinds of means they 'd have to achieve that , as in capitalism was justified in this longer term perspective .
5 Actually just just quickly er I just noticed on that list of your questionnaires that we got back a couple that they did n't actually know what was going on .
6 They spent so much time talking about gay things that they did n't actually have much time to do many gay things — which is why I think the really crucial thing that happened in the seventies was not the liberation of a particular sexuality but actually the liberation of a particular set of relationships through which people could enjoy sex , or not have sex , as the case may be .
7 The , they 're still , they 're , they 're not active in that they do n't actually progress your department do they ?
8 I have n't seen the draft guidelines that came out yesterday for the registration of nursing homes but I understand that they do n't actually address these issues .
9 You know if everyone around and they did n't actually have their own children .
10 and they do n't actually do collections , they do n't actually do , do any production .
11 The project we 're hoping to sponsor , there 's now Friends of the Earth in Ghana , erm who 've Doctor Plumtree quite rightly said , Ghana are working hard on re-forestation schemes , and a scheme that Friends of the Earth is doing is a community re- forestation scheme , because a lot of the re-forestation schemes are from the top down , and they do n't actually get the villagers involved in whatever , so we 'll actually be funding community reforestation schemes , several species of trees , particularly those which help to regenerate the soil , especially if it 's been degraded because the trees have been chopped down , or what-have-you .
12 You know when people talk about you and they do n't actually ask you they just mention things and hated
13 You actually , if they do n't do the r if they do n't actually put anything down then you ca n't conjure it out of nothing but as long as you can get the benefit of the doubt then you 'll prob y'know we 'll give it to you .
14 Any absences that you 've had erm for sickness full or half pay actually count in full for in these calculations as do erm any maternity leave absence you know providing you were actually receiving pay that 's half pay or more then those absences count as if they have n't actually occurred .
15 I mean I 'm gon na try and give , the first two guys and er Mike who came in , they did n't do very well cos they did n't actually mention that bit and it did n't flow from then on , you 've got ta make the point , you know , did you find that er well not did you , that 's bad phraseology , I 'm sure you found this beneficial which of the areas of the five tonight actually interest you the most do that bit and then go in with the fact that you actually mentioned earlier on that you do work on a recommendation basis .
16 Unless they did n't actually happen in September .
17 In interview , the head of science offered these illuminating insights into the way the library project had stimulated book awareness and book selection among staff in his department : A lot of the time teachers did n't know what was available and said " The science shelf is over there " , but they had n't actually looked at the titles of the books before … they were quite pleasantly surprised .
18 Nowadays The Hitman And Her is filmed ’ as live ’ , which means there 's all the panic and concentration of a live show , but they do n't actually broadcast it until the following week , as a safeguard against major disasters .
19 But they do n't actually scoop it out off from the blast furnace , they drill a hole in the side where they 've plugged it with a lump of clay .
20 Er , well , erm , they could sort of do it , erm , I mean , when I leave er , a place that , house that I used to live in , I leave a forwarding address but no , I make sure , with the people that erm , take over the house , but they do n't actually give out my phone number .
21 But they do n't actually produce as many conkers .
22 I work in erm family conciliation and lots of parents actually manage to stay parents and to be good parents to their children , but they do n't actually live together as parents .
23 Right , not very complicated , mum , dad , right mum and dad have got a normal gene and a P K U gene , right , normal gene and P K U gene which means that they are carriers , they carry the disease but they do n't actually have it
24 But they did n't actually recommend that it should be statutory labelling
25 the tickets were so they want tickets but they have n't actually sent any money , so if you get in before them erm , you can have the tickets .
26 they 've started off with it erm the report described what they 've learnt but they have n't actually put what they 've learnt
27 So that 's why their policies might seem a little bit wishy-washy in that how that if they were going straight for a rich peasant economy then perhaps you would have expected a more spectacular economic growth , but there was n't and perhaps this was because they did n't actually go positively just for a rich peasant economy , they were trying to achieve a greater degree of erm egalitarianism in the countryside at the same time .
28 Quite a lot of them did n't have all that much meat in them , which is not surprising , because they do n't actually have to have all that much meat , which we thought was quite amazing .
29 I 'd just like to point out that erm on the street collections as you 've always done before , AvaRag and NovaSports do n't generally get passed , because they do n't actually help anybody in Oxford .
30 Blimey , the Apex lads win this award even though they did n't actually release a game in 1991 !
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