Example sentences of "[conj] [num] [prep] [art] major [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 There is a growing consensus that one of the major factors contributing to the relatively poor record of labour productivity in Britain is the low level of skill in the workforce compared with that of the major competitors .
2 This shows that one of the major factors that distinguishes the films of motorways and bends in roads from those of junctions is that they were rated as having less to see in them .
3 This has meant that one of the major firms of chartered accountants has been employed .
4 At the annual meeting , the annual meeting last year in the institute , it was obvious to me that one of the major concerns of people in this town was policing and police presence and I think the joint effort that we 've put forward , and I must mention as well since he 's , we 've worked very well together , the police liaison office has been running extremely well I feel , the number of calls have gone up since we started .
5 The multiplication of agencies as a means to greater bureaucratic efficiency may be objected to on the grounds that one of the major obstacles to the successful implementation of government programmes has been found to be the existence of numerous competing administrative bodies which so many programmes seem to involve because of overlapping policy fields and jurisdictions ( Gunn 1978 ) .
6 We discovered last month that one of the major challenges of keeping a marine aquarium is choosing fish which will live in harmony together and , where applicable those which will be compatible with the invertebrates sharing their aquarium .
7 Considering the nature of the ailment it will come as no surprise that one of the major causes is thought to be constipation and , again , the straining involved in evacuating a hard faecal mass .
8 Again , when the historian considers the available sources for the late Middle Ages , it is noteworthy that one of the major collections of narratives , the London City Chronicles , was in the vernacular , although some of the earlier city chroniclers had used Latin or Anglo-Norman .
9 Mr. Nicholas Bennett : Does my right Hon. Friend agree that one of the major ways in which unemployment has been reduced in Wales is through the Governments regional policy of re-locating Civil Service and other Government agency jobs to the regions and Wales ?
10 It is no easy matter to define these differences , but the clients who often use more than one of the major firms notice significant variations .
11 It is perhaps not surprising that two of the major varieties of aphasia are named after two nineteenth-century neurologists , Broca and Wernicke .
12 Although Distinction is surely the most significant contribution to the study of consumption made by any anthropologist , and one of the major resources for obtaining a better understanding of our own culture , there are certain important limitations to the work .
13 Individuals may be seen as ‘ cogs in the machine ’ and one of the major criticisms of Taylor 's approach was that he had a tendency to treat workers as automatons who would respond to financial incentives automatically .
14 Competition will be channelled into avenues that benefit the organisation , and one of the major tasks of management is to manage and resolve conflict .
15 Perhaps there are not enough players available to play on them ; perhaps there is no one to unlock them except at peak periods ; then there are courts taken out during the winter and one of the major reasons in this country is damage by vandals .
16 And one of the major ways of emphasising prevention is through health teaching .
17 This offensive had other faces and one of the major targets of the media was the power of the unions which had been used to protect , more or less successfully , the interests of the workers and to maintain the Welfare State .
18 The line still represents a real challenge to footplate crews and one of the major attractions as far as enthusiasts are concerned is to hear the engines working under pressure on the slopes of the Rheidol Valley .
19 And one of the major features of the old building , the central staircase , has also been kept , affording guests an imposing view as they first enter the marble foyer of the building .
20 Massey and Catalano ( 1978 ) suggest a typology of forms of landownership distinguishing between what they call ‘ former landed property ’ ( a rather odd term because one of the major contributions of their work is the extent to which they demonstrate the continued importance of this element ) , ‘ industrial ’ landownership and ‘ financial ’ landownership .
21 This is hardly surprising since one of the major activities of childhood is coming to terms with emotions , managing emotions , and establishing to what extent our own society , community , or family finds the display of emotions acceptable .
22 Since one of the major objectives of the White Paper is to increase the efficiency of the NHS , it is important that health care objectives are evaluated from an economic viewpoint and that monitoring arrangements are put in place to ensure that HAs and FPCs rise to the challenge .
23 This argument carried the day , despite Ramsay 's protests , and it was decided to send Keith , the Knight Marischal , as one of the major officers of state , to head the relieving party and to take over the governorship meantime .
24 The prison officers have been seen as one of the major reasons for , not one of the victims of , the mismanagement of the prison service .
25 This is not to diminish Sacrosanctum Concilium , which ranks with the Constitutions on the Church , on Scripture and the Pastoral Mission of the Church as one of the major documents of Vatican II , but at least as much as they — and perhaps more so — it had been prepared for during the pontificate of Pius XII .
26 This was used as one of the major defences of the British aid programme in Nepal which was to concentrate their efforts in villages with a predominant presence of ex-Gurkha soldiers which would encourage both better rapport between British field officers and farmers , as well as an ( ex- ) army-style sense of organisation , discipline and work-practice within the village itself .
27 It had taken £50,000 to bring Bobby back to the Palace from Leicester , but it was money well spent , for his presence was regarded by many as one of the major factors in Palace 's 1972 survival — and we recouped f 12,000 of it when Bobby bustled off to join Pompey just after Christmas .
28 This is a major problem in the Sahel zone where cash cropping has been mooted by Earth Report ( 1988 ) as one of the major causes of environmental degradation , and while the case presented may be oversimplified it is worth reiterating since cash cropping in general is not ( if past performance is taken as a measure ) the answer to Africa 's development problems .
29 And if the doctrine of collegiality is to be seen as one of the major contributions of Vatican II to the life of the Church , even that can be found in the pontificate of Pius XII , for it was he who set up CELAM , the Conference of Bishops of Latin America .
30 In what was described as one of the major discoveries of science , it was announced on April 23 that the Cosmic Background Explorer ( COBE ) satellite of the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA ) had discovered huge wispy clouds of matter or " ripples " at a distance of nearly 15,000 million light years , at the edge of the known universe .
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