Example sentences of "[conj] [vb pp] [prep] a particular [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Every actual utterance is spatiotemporally unique , being spoken or written at a particular place and at a particular time ; and provided that there is some standard system for identifying points in space and time , we can , in principle , specify the actual spatiotemporal situation of any utterance act .
2 How , one wonders , is the concept of good government to be defined or applied to a particular issue ?
3 This information can then be used to test experimental reconstructions of furnaces found in excavations in order to establish whether or not the metal could have been smelted in a particular type of furnace , or forged at a particular type of hearth .
4 The third point is that leaflets can be produced which are specifically tailored to one category of users ( including postgraduates and academic staff ) or geared to a particular subject .
5 The buyer should not become obsessed with an issue or entrenched in a particular position and they should avoid defining certain conditions as non-negotiable or certain demands as absolute .
6 However , there are cases ( such as property specially built or adapted for a particular occupier ) where modifications are needed .
7 The advance of this critical period , however , can not easily be linked to the idea of a body clock which tends to run fast and so produce daily rhythms which are timed too early because , when daily rhythms have been investigated in these patients , it appears that daily rhythms are irregular , rather than altered in a particular direction .
8 They may seem inexpensive , but a will is a legal document and should be drawn up carefully and signed and witnessed in a particular way .
9 When this happened , however , even the traditional features became more stereotyped because choreographers used only those which the audience could easily recognise and which were commonly seen and heard in a particular country .
10 Its format is usually standard , though much of the information collected and reported at a particular time may not be relevant to current development issues .
11 Sceptical doubts about objectivity make good sense within a practice ; there are objectively correct answers to questions how to go on , and if challenged in a particular case , we can support our choice by appeal to the rule ( 'Why did you write 20,002 ? ’ 'Because you told me to go on adding 2' ) .
12 The EDI software was n't really integrated with British Gypsum 's other corporate systems ; it was limited in function , and geared to a particular EDI network , Tradanet .
13 The mastery of these skills can not be neatly prescribed and tied to a particular method .
14 If understood in a particular way , this Franciscan insight captures , I believe , the essence of those who stand for the promotion of animal welfare .
15 From time to time , it becomes necessary to reorganise information that has previously been learned and structured in a particular way .
16 The first answer describes a procedure in which the trial court deals , so far as the facts of the case are concerned , with written material , which will have been assembled and put into a particular form by one or more members of the court 's personnel .
17 ‘ The opponent block ’ applies to elite performers who , in the past , have repeatedly drawn and lost to a particular opponent .
18 There may be letters from the victim 's relations , from Members of Parliament , from the general public ( whether directed at a particular case or at penal policy in general ) , or from the Howard League or the National Association for the Care and Rehabilitation of Offenders .
19 ‘ Power ’ is not central to orthodox elite analysis ; structures , constraints , functions and ideology all may play their part in elite theories , but ‘ power ’ ( except in self-confessed revisionists of pluralism like Presthus and Bachrach ) , if not quite the grand absentee , is understood as given in a particular way .
20 Some of its sections and their subdivisions may be found unnecessary when applied to a particular problem ; some may require to be expanded .
21 The second state , called " actual meaning " , is the signification which a word or morpheme evokes when applied to a particular experience in a unique , actual act of speech .
22 Even animals that normally live relatively lonely lives may find it safer to congregate when faced with a particular danger .
23 The force facility can be used as often as required for a particular SPR , for example , if a user does not wish to take responsibility for the SPR or if a user accepts the SPR but at a later date passes the work onto someone else .
24 Additionally , if it is found that feelings of risk in the simulator are similar to those experienced when actually driving , and there is reasonable consistency between subjects in assessments , it is possible to infer the feelings of risk a subject is likely to experience when confronted with a particular situation without actually asking the subject to give ratings at the time .
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