Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] to go [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Our very own Adventures deal in all the things that seemed to go AWOL in the late 80s — luscious harmonies , strong guitar driven songs with big big choruses , all topped with strong echoes of classic 60s pop .
2 However , district councillors felt that none of the objections justified any changes to the proposed order and agreed to go ahead with the scheme .
3 Within ten minutes , Woodrow Wilson had consulted with his chiefs of staff in the war room , and decided to go ahead with the contingency plan .
4 He dismissed the subject from his mind and decided to go down to the tiny lunchroom he ran for his employees , to get a cup of coffee .
5 Resuming at the short fourth hole , he promptly took a double bogey five , leaving a bunker shot in the sand , and then following it with a six at the fifth , where he hooked into some bushes and had to go back to the tee .
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