Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] himself [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As well take to kissing Bruce Davidson good-night , he told himself , and got himself out of the door on this thought .
2 He sighed and flung himself down on the chair .
3 He grasped the forestay in both hands as high up as he could reach and drew himself out of the water and on to the forward hull beam as smoothly as a dolphin breaking for air .
4 Detectives believed the armed man must have run inside the hospital and holed himself up in the office .
5 In Allen v. Jarvis ( 1869 ) L.R. 4 Ch.App. 616 a solicitor-executor drew up a bill of costs amounting to £691 and paid himself out of the testator 's assets .
6 ‘ Damn cheek , ’ he muttered , and hitched himself up onto the edge of the couch .
7 Having saved the sports car company and turned himself in at the end of series one , Clive Owen led off the second series in 1991 completing the last days of a prison sentence and abandoning the city slicker lifestyle for a battle to save a bankrupt stately home .
8 ‘ We are all men of the world ’ — he excluded the Archdeacon from eye contact and addressed himself exclusively to the Dean — ‘ so of course we know , do we not , that problems of that sort for young clergy bring with them all kinds of undesirable connections .
9 Confronted with a party weighted in favour of the clerical , he nevertheless took a thoughtful look at Hugh Beringar , and addressed himself rather to the secular justice .
10 Newly appointed as Duke of Swabia , Frederick Barbarossa had an opportunity to mix with other nobles , and acquitted himself well in the crusade .
11 She repressed a shudder as he took the bonnet and curled himself down onto the floor holding it daintily between his long fingers — which she had been careful to avoid touching .
12 Instead of proceeding at his normal brisk trot , he lumbered up the step-ladder and heaved himself ponderously inside the machine 's cabin .
13 said Billy , and heaved himself out of the chair with difficulty .
14 Having assured himself that he was all alone , he climbed from his bed , entered his dressing-gown and took himself down to the kitchen for the first breakfast of the day .
15 Gazzer lay face down on the bank and inched himself out over the edge .
16 He pushed hurriedly through the bar area and located himself directly beneath the mixing desk where , hiding shyly behind the cavorting dance floor bodies , he would attract the minimum of attention .
17 Wully Gurk sidled up and squeezed himself on to the end of the seat .
18 Following the United States invasion of Panama on Dec. 20 to remove Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega from power [ see pp. 37112-13 ] , Noriega on Jan. 3 voluntarily left the papal nunciature , where he had sought refuge , and gave himself up to the US authorities after being persuaded by the papal nuncio , Mgr José Sebastián Laboa , that asylum in a third country was not a viable option .
19 She went and fetched out the folded garments for him , and went about her business at the clay oven outside while he stripped and dressed himself again in the good Welsh clothes that had been made for him .
20 She was surprised to find that she was not at all self-conscious with him and she moved to nestle comfortably against him when he rolled away from her and propped himself up on the pillows .
21 He turned round again and propped himself up in the bed .
22 When the old publican went off his head and shut himself up in the snug with an ex-War Department Verey pistol , and shot distress signals through the serving hatch at anyone who came near ? ’
23 Now , as if suddenly aware of the morning chill , he closed the top half of the door , drove home the bolt , then came and stretched himself out in the armchair opposite her .
24 Reaching the foot of the stairs , he saw movement off to his right along the corridor , but ignored it and launched himself bodily at the door six feet to his left marked CONTROL .
25 In desperation , he gave one last , vicious backward kick and launched himself out into the dark .
26 ‘ He got a gun and shot himself right in the head . ’
27 He leant back and pushed himself away from the table , sliding backwards on the castors of his typist-style chair .
28 He was born at Preston in 1732 and got little education ; he was apprenticed to a barber , and set himself up in the barbering trade at Bolton later .
29 Haiducu not only failed to assassinate Goma and Tanase , but handed himself over to the French authorities with his weapon .
30 Gasping for breath , Gentle registered little or none of this , but pushed himself up from the wall to re-launch his attack .
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