Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [adj] form [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In our old age we have found a more or less peaceful form of co-existence .
2 Even poetry would not address such matters except in the more or less orthodox , more or less devotional form of Paradise Lost .
3 Only political units which were small and remote from the international conflicts which agitated the greater powers , as were the Swiss cantons and some of the city-states of Germany and Italy , could hope to dispense permanently with some more or less effective form of kingship .
4 In practice , much academic interpretation — whether New Critical , archetypal , deconstructive , or whatever — is really , in his terms , a more or less refined form of description or ‘ scansion ’ .
5 They offer a convenient , secure and widely accepted form of payment at more than 7 million outlets in the UK and overseas , displaying the Access , MasterCard and Eurocard symbols .
6 This is in practice the most important and most powerful form of control ,
7 Touch is the earliest and most primitive form of communication and is an important form of non-verbal communication throughout life ; it can convey a myriad of positive and negative messages between people .
8 However , sending a letter to a large sample of people can be quite a costly business , not only in stationery and postage , but also in finding out the recipients ' correct names and addresses , if one is to avoid the very impersonal and rather off-putting form of address , ‘ The Occupant ’ .
9 The Children Act 1989 will replace care orders in truancy cases with ‘ education supervision orders ’ , likely to be seen as a more constructive and less punitive form of order ( see below ) .
10 More recently , studies of modern objects by archaeologists working in the sub-discipline of ethno-archaeology have sought to provide ‘ general and testable ’ laws of stylistic behaviour , strongly influenced by an extreme and exquisitely inappropriate form of positivism which took hold of the discipline in the 1960s , and appears to have been retained long after most other social sciences threw off its shackles ( e.g. Binford 1972 ; 1978 ; Gould and Schiffer eds 1981 , see Hodder 1982a and b for a critique ) .
11 This vast geographical area — stretching from China to the Balkans and from India to the northern tip of the Caspian Sea — is inhabited by peoples of infinitely diverse cultural , religious and ethnic origins , whose only common feature ( apart from occupying territories along the old silk route to the East ) seems to be their desire and ability to elevate rug-making from a functional craft to an expressive and deeply satisfying form of art .
12 It can afford motivation as hardly anything else can , and its influence can help both society and individuals to a fuller and more satisfying form of life .
13 The other argument says that we are a higher and more socialised form of beast and that our urges are informed by something more subtle than base instinct .
14 The joint stock company , the characteristic device for the mobilization of capital , became more and more the usual pattern of business organization and the freely transferable share a more and more common form of property .
15 There has been no point in British history at which the prevailing method of government has been completely swept away , allowing those in power to sit down and create from first principles a new and clearly delineated form of government .
16 We have to confess that Evangelicalism has sometimes , perhaps even often , expressed itself in a hard , legalistic framework leading to a dull and often joyless form of Christianity .
17 But coinage has , until recently , been the most common and frequently used form of money because it is so convenient , portable and durable .
18 The Greeks regarded rational discussion as the lowest and least reliable form of theology : the true theologian saw and experienced the content of his theology , which was inseparable from contemplation .
19 In summary , language checklists may provide a very practical and relatively quick form of assessment which can be used for a variety of purposes described at the beginning of Chapter 6 .
20 about means testing in general , the problem with means test is that they are a rather disguised and very crude form of taxation .
21 Horse and mare in 16a and b do not represent a genuine but contextually restricted form of synonymy : their semantic distinctness remains , and can easily be made manifest .
22 One simple but often effective form of promotion is that of the door to door distribution of leaflets .
23 The use of decoys by police officers to aid in the detection of crime is a similar though less analogous form of deception .
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