Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [vb mod] look at the " in BNC.

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1 Or you can look at the star chart cast at somebody 's birthdate .
2 Thus we can examine any given sequence of events dramatically by seeing these events through different eyes , or we can look at the same events from a distance by framing our drama as an investigation or an enquiry : we , the participants in the drama , could be townspeople celebrating the history of our town , creating a pageant .
3 Take your time preparing them , free from telephone calls and interruptions , so that you can look at the whole matter thoughtfully .
4 Okay so having established then that you can look at the er er you can look at single channel currents , let's look at what those erm er currents can tell us .
5 What I 'm asking is that you should look at the accounts with your detective instincts on the alert and see if there 's anything that strikes you as odd about them . "
6 So it was agreed , right in the beginning that we would establish a separate agency to manage the Eurofighter two thousand programme , but that we would look at the possibility of bringing these two agencies together at as early as possible time and the most expedient way for all concerned .
7 It was felt that we should look at the practicalities of splitting of the membership into an ‘ active ’ and ‘ passive ’ list ; the idea of introducing a membership fee of some kind was rejected .
8 We did not rule on the applications at the time , as they were opposed by Mr. Munby , for the foster mother , but he agreed that we should look at the evidence de bene esse and make our ruling as part of our judgment .
9 I think that we should look at the question .
10 That it 's time perhaps that we should look at the role of bankers and see whether or not they should have a wider duty than at present .
11 We are going to tabulate the information so that we can look at the data from a statistical point of view , so every question you can answer is of value .
12 Perhaps , perhaps , perhaps it was because of that we did n't have it , and the treasurer and the secretary are officially erm , and we do have constitution do n't we now of course , so we can look at the constitution and see what it says
13 ‘ To do so they should look at the yield of the shares and the strength of the company 's management , ’ he said .
14 The government has to get money from somewhere , and it is logical that it should look at the whole area of VAT .
15 I hope , therefore , that it will look at the opportunities for expanding the scheme .
16 Some hon. Members will welcome the partial movement by the Secretary of State for Scotland in as much as we have had the enormous political death-bed confession that he will look at the Scottish situation .
17 John Reid has splashed out more than £1 million to buy a new home so he can look at the famous sign .
18 So when I take this out and pout this through the window it shines straight up and you can look at the clouds and you can tell which direction the wind is .
19 As I said , this is just a very simple fine schematic description for you and you can look at the details anywhere .
20 It 's got thirty million articles in it , when you can find information , pull out articles relevant to your needs , by looking for authors , looking for words in the text and you can look at the summary of the article very quickly .
21 It 's got thirty million articles in it and you can find information , pull out articles relevant to your needs by looking for authors , looking for words in the text , and you can look at the summary of the article very quickly .
22 I 'd go off to work , and she 'd look at the script and say : ‘ Who are you working with today , what are you doing ? ’
23 ‘ I understand your concern , Shih Spatz , but if you would look at the other file . ’
24 see if you can look at the lights er , what you call er ?
25 Next week we start the second part of the course , our erm , our key as it were and we 'll look at the first one with er .
26 Have a handout and we 'll look at the different types of stress
27 what , what I hope we 'll do next week is to , is to take that idea up and to see maybe why this policy came through erm and we 'll look at the , like the arithmetic of that as to , as to how much money there was , how much land there was in fact .
28 And we can look at the interview as a whole to understand what particular comments mean .
29 So if we can look at the relatively small numbers , albeit , I mean , tragic numbers of people who have been harmed or died , we do have to set it into perspective against risks in other walks of life and against the enormous benefits that medicines have done .
30 And they can look at the horn and they can look at these things and they can look this is weld which is the herb that 's used to produce the green the yellow of the green .
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