Example sentences of "[art] [adv] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] society " in BNC.

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1 The various government measures — regional policies , anti-discrimination legislation , etc. — have been far too weak to counter the impact of market forces that affect more adversely the industrially weak groups in society .
2 the proletarian plan , according to comrade Preobrazhensky consists in systematically disturbing the equilibrium of society , systematically breaking down the socially necessary ratio between the different branches of production , i.e. systematically fighting what is the most elementary conditions of society 's existence .
3 The undertrial population , too , mainly consists of the most disadvantaged sections of society , who can not pay the sureties demanded for bail .
4 In the first years of ‘ stabilization ’ , the government put in place various measures , including feeding programmes , to assist the most vulnerable groups in society .
5 If community care is intended to give priority to the most vulnerable groups in society , the rising numbers of people with dementia and their carers must be addressed urgently as a specific group by local authorities , policy makers and government .
6 Many proposals have been made to tighten the law and offer real care and protection to children , the most vulnerable members of society .
7 It has fallen most heavily and for the longest periods on the most vulnerable members of society , with a particular concentration on the young , and on unskilled or semi-skilled workers .
8 I agree with Jacobs that legislation may be the only answer as commercial forces , if left to their own devices , can not be relied on to protect the most vulnerable members of society .
9 The Hicklin test focused upon the effect of the book on the most vulnerable members of society , whether or not they were likely to read it .
10 It is arguable that while the most powerful groups in society have placed their cultural tastes at the top of a hierarchy of artistic forms , not all people will be equally devoted to these fashions and traditions .
11 It is probably true to say that his party did more decade after decade to destroy the availability of properties in the private rented sector — to the impoverishment of some of the most needy sectors of society .
12 This allies closely with the contemporary conception of the professions as among the most stable elements in society ; A. M. Carr-Saunders and P.A. Wilson ( The Professions ( 1933 ) ) consider that the professions
13 Constance , her family and friends showed forth their feelings artlessly , with simple language and gestures , seldom seeming aware of any call for emotional discretion or more than the most basic politenesses of society .
14 Generally speaking , the most important rules in society are those that make up the law , with laws decided upon by powerful and influential groups in society .
15 Many of the funds held by such institutions come from investments made by ordinary employees , rather than the most wealthy members of society .
16 The annual Industrial Conference provides valuable insights into the world of business , and the Community Service Programme helps the less fortunate members of society .
17 The Times was highly critical of what it called ‘ these usurious companies ’ , but their creation was a genuine attempt by the government of the day to provide the less privileged members of society with a state money-lender which hopefully they would find more trustworthy than the neighbourhood pawnbroker ; and presumably each society 's secretary was able to provide some kind of money management advice to those who needed it .
18 We also need to be cautious before asserting that the Tories became a populist party , in the sense of championing the interests of the less privileged classes within society .
19 The negative effects , however , were the less welcome members of society coming and going quite freely .
20 As this is being written ( in 1985 ) , the publicity given to the case of Jasmine Beckford , who died after she was returned from public care to her parents ' care , will ensure that social workers will once again be reminded of the need to respond to the apparently contradictory demands of society both to intervene effectively and to respect family autonomy .
21 But , if you think money is the answer , you have only to read the newspapers to see how many of the more affluent members of society experience the trauma of divorce , drug or alcohol addiction or a suicide in the family .
22 Jane , because she was a mistress , rarely had an opportunity to attend the more elegant events of society , and she was not going to miss this chance of being seen at a duchess 's ball .
23 Great questions such as the way in which buildings may be rehabilitated , or private and council landlords forced to meet basic standards of health and safety within their properties , have been largely pushed into the field of what has been designated " Housing Law " , the latter being less concerned with providing a framework for operation than a means for intervening on behalf of the more vulnerable members in society .
24 He says its quite widespread in the county and often its the more vunerable members of society who end up suffering .
25 One result of this attitude was that the strain placed by warfare on the economies of most European States was less than the mere number of men engaged in fighting might seem to indicate , since these were drawn so largely from the least productive elements of society .
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