Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] at the [adj] door " in BNC.

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1 This gentleman bocht the donkey fae MacGreigor — it was afore my day though — an it wes two or three days in the field at the front door .
2 A cat curled up by the boot-scraper at the front door of the Prince 's headquarters where the sentry , a British redcoat , stooped to fondle the animal 's warm fur .
3 Ahead of him , the guard at the locked door stood up as Nicholson nodded .
4 That the Assistant Manager emerged later in the day at the same door similarly disoriented is not in doubt either .
5 Helen Martini left Orkney on Thursday 14 March , and on the Friday presented the petition at the front door of No. 10 Downing Street .
6 It probably was n't economic in the very small town you know probably you know I do n't , I do n't remember people keeping pigs but if it was collected it probably was collected by the bin at the back door .
7 The voice at the huge door whispered back , ‘ One woman .
8 However , the man with the radio at the final door worked for TAP , the state airline , not the airport , so he could not open it for us .
9 Craig Simpson , 21 , set light to the front door of the house in Tower Green , Middlesbrough , and also set a fire in the dustbin at the back door of the house .
10 Before any civilised reply could be made , there was a rapping at the front door .
11 There was a ring at the front door .
12 For the inexperienced debtor the arrival of a bailiff at the front door could be a harrowing experience , said the National Consumer Council .
13 The Doctor slid to a halt at the inner door to the main airlock .
14 So the good Lord 's timely intervention in the form of a burglar at the back door of Steve Sustad 's North London address the night before D-Day might spell bad news for some insurance company , but I sure was n't complaining .
15 Someone struck a match at the open door of the landing bedroom .
16 A few minutes after they drove away there was a knock at the front door .
17 There was a knock at the front door .
18 Then it happens — there 's a knock at the front door .
19 There was a knock at the front door .
20 There was a knock at the front door , and Shelley jumped up to open it .
21 More of a knock at the back door than a storming of the castle gate perhaps , but something is going right for Jon Solly .
22 At about six o'clock that evening , there was a knock at the back door .
23 He would put away the car quietly , leaving the garage open in case the thud of the door woke her , then sneak in like a thief at the back door .
24 There was a hammering at the outer door to the apartment .
25 Suddenly you hear a rattling at the back door .
26 As he took out his pipe , there came a knocking at the front door .
27 Together they barely had time to take up a position at the far door , seize a loaded gun , drop to one knee , and aim as , with a final heave , the bulging mass of bodies exploded into the room , followed by the living .
28 The man had fallen asleep in the lounge when he woke to find a fire at the front door of his terraced home .
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