Example sentences of "[prep] be followed by the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The procedure to be followed by the Test Manager for problems that do not originate in or are not caused by the sub-system being tested is described below .
2 This sub-section describes the procedures to be followed by the Change Coordinator when he receives a Change Request Form .
3 Speaking at Hull on 6 June Stafford Cripps outlined the new tactics which were to be followed by the Unity Campaign Committee .
4 The procedure to be followed by the Problem Solver is described below .
5 The main aims of the project were to formulate the course to be followed by the government to assess the worth of mineral resources of the Lao PDR and to provide an action plan for generating hard currency from minerals within a constantly evolving and highly competitive world economy .
6 The main aims of the project were to formulate the course to be followed by the government to assess the worth of mineral resources of the Lao PDR and to provide an action plan for generating hard currency from minerals within a constantly evolving and highly competitive world economy .
7 Israeli troops instantly drove into Beirut , a move to be followed by the massacre of hundreds of people , with the knowledge or participation of Israeli troops a horrendous question .
8 This strike , which relied on diplomatic and military surprise , was to be followed by the occupation of the Philippines in 50 days , of Malaya in 100 , and of the Dutch East Indies ( Celebes , Borneo , and Java ) by mid-summer .
9 This sub-section describes the procedures to be followed by the Development Manager during the processing of a change request .
10 Executive power — the power to set down the broad policies to be followed by the state and the ability to carry out or execute the laws was in the hands of the King , but the means for carrying it out had to be provided by parliament .
11 It is essential that the parents of a severely visually handicapped child know of and agree to the approach to be followed by the school in relation to the pupil 's independent mobility , and it will be very helpful if they have seen the school environment and know what kind of tasks it will impose on the daily life of their child .
12 Apparently now even the mildest criticism is to be followed by the threat of legal action .
13 From then on the snowball gathered momentum until on 24th November , the entire Politburo resigned , to be followed by the collapse of its still communist-dominated replacement government on 7th December .
14 President Hassan Gouled Aptidon had announced on June 27 that a constitutional referendum would be held on Sept. 4 , to be followed by the legalization of political parties .
15 The statutory curriculum to be followed by the nation 's five to 16year-olds from September reflects guidance drawn up by the county 's PE teachers two years ago .
16 A 52.5 per cent devaluation of the córdoba to a new official rate of US$1.00=20,000 córdobas was announced on June 12 , to be followed by the suspension of periodic adjustments until the end of July .
17 The Moscow agreement was effectively dead and the most sensible move would be for the UN to sponsor simultaneous withdrawal of American and Russian forces to be followed by the establishment of a unified Korean government — ‘ It might not be a very democratic or very efficient Government , but almost anything would be better than the present absurd and dangerous division . ’
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