Example sentences of "[prep] be attribute [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Where a company is accused of a crime the acts and intentions of those who are the directing minds and will of the company are to be attributed to the company .
2 Where a company is accused of a crime the acts and intentions of those who are the directing minds and will of the company are to be attributed to the company .
3 ‘ The process vulgarly described as robbing peter to pay paul ’ , he said , ‘ is not a principle of equity , nor is it , I think , lightly to be attributed to the Legislature even in an Irish Land Act . ’
4 For some 2,000 years great significance continued to be attributed to the number four .
5 This seems to be attributed to the mechanisation of mankind which he visualises .
6 According to the corpuscular theory these secondary ( and tertiary ) qualities arise from the arrangement , the ‘ texture ’ , of the solid , shaped , and mobile corpuscles which constitute gold , and so are not to be attributed to the corpuscles themselves .
7 The actual source of life is not known and is not to be attributed to the God that mankind can worship , that is , a definable God developed with life , and therefore not responsible for its origin .
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