Example sentences of "[prep] be [verb] in the light " in BNC.

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1 But this authentic doctrine has to be studied in the light of the research methods and the literary forms of modern thought .
2 The outcome of the projects was to be examined in the light of potential impacts on urban development , transport road safety and the environment .
3 The emotional and political stability afforded to Nizan by his entry to the PCF in 1927 needs to be examined in the light of other factors influencing his personal development at this time .
4 First , the question of what is a sufficient interest is partly a question of legal principle — what do earlier cases say about standing ? — and partly a question of fact to be decided in the light of circumstances of the case before the court .
5 These things have to be decided in the light of circumstances . ’
6 Nevertheless , we must consider some central issues , if only because associated policy has to be assessed in the light of the scale and intensity of the decline .
7 The health authorities say it is too soon to comment on the implications of the figures as yet as they still have to be assessed in the light of the type and ages of the people who responded .
8 The health authorities say it is too soon to comment on the implications of the figures as yet as they still have to be assessed in the light of the type and ages of the people who responded .
9 Involvement of the public would not only affirm the fact that these are issues for all of us , but would also educate people as to the range and limitations of existing therapies , and involve them in the decisions to be made in the light of this .
10 An important feature is the QA-approved amendment mechanism to allow changes or additions to be made in the light of experience .
11 This truth is to be reinterpreted in the light of my principle that art does not derive from a single impulse ( i.e. the Apolline impulse towards beauty ) , but from two : the Dionysiac as well as the Apolline .
12 However , this design had to be reinterpreted in the light of the CEGB 's decision to build a further power station at Hinckley Point rather than at he five sites originally named .
13 However , such forecasts about trends in drug-taking behaviour are , of necessity , based on several untested assumptions , and also need to be evaluated in the light of various practical considerations .
14 In commenting critically on the proposed text of the Restatement , cited above , the Solicitor General stressed the strong policy of the United States procedural rules to secure efficient and effective discovery in all cases ; declared foreign reliance on judicial sovereignty to have an abstract quality , which did not elucidate substantive foreign interests , and which needed to be evaluated in the light of the established American principle that its courts could require foreign nationals to produce evidence located abroad ; and urged that objections based on a blocking statute should be greeted with caution and scepticism in any proper comity analysis .
15 No solution was found : within a few years the European powers were at war again , essentially over the question whether Spain and her colonies were going to pass into the hands of a relation of the King of France or a relation of the Holy Roman Emperor ; in the end they passed into the French line of descent , and in the eighteenth century policy towards France had always to be conducted in the light of the possibility that the French and Spanish government might ally for war .
16 In Gledhow Autoparts Ltd v Delaney [ 1965 ] 1 WLR 1366 Diplock LJ said " It is natural … to tend to look at what in fact happened under the agreement ; but the question of the validity of a covenant in restraint of trade has to be determined at the date at which the agreement was entered into and has to be determined in the light of what may happen under the agreement , although what may happen may be and always is different in some respects from what did happen .
17 The idea that grandchildren , especially granddaughters , are a possible choice for the care of elderly people is the key element here , although it has to be seen in the light of the evidence ( which I reviewed above ) about who actually cares in practice .
18 Support for these generalisations will be given as we proceed , but we should be aware that descriptions of institutional change need to be understood in the light of political and theoretical considerations .
19 Finally , as other commentators have observed ( eg. Church , 1988 ) , any evaluation of the impact of the UDCs has to be viewed in the light of co-existing initiatives , boundary definitions and the fact that any assessment is unavoidably interim .
20 Such facts speak for themselves and clearly emphasise Richards 's ( 1985 ) view ( section 4.4.1 ) that there is much to be gleaned from traditional agricultural/agroforestry methods if sustainable development is to be achieved in the light of current and projected population growth .
21 No analyst would make such a claim today , and the ‘ nationalization ’ thesis has had to be revised in the light of increased local variations in voting behaviour .
22 The Directive had to be revised in the light of major reservations commentators expressed during a previous consultation period early in 1991 .
23 This conclusion has important implications for the management of affected subjects , and guidelines on treatment need to be revised in the light of these recent findings .
24 The opportunity should be taken to also look at each Branch constitution to see if any need to be revised in the light of the new legislation .
25 While one must distinguish between formal access and real accessibility , there are more second routes and second chances , and fewer dead-ends and irreversible choices than in the past , and the whole notion of ‘ stages ’ has to be interpreted in the light of the individual 's self-perception and the increasing fluidity of age-roles .
26 The entire narrative needs to be interpreted in the light of this historical tension .
27 But it welcomed FRED4 , saying because it contains more detailed proposals its provisions should be used to override FRED3 and , indeed , there should be a requirement for all transactions to be interpreted in the light of the draft off balance sheet standard .
28 Held ( 1 ) that the public interest in preserving confidentiality underlying the particular implied undertaking by B. added little if anything to the public interest which gave rise to the basic claim of public interest immunity attaching to the authority 's documents ; so that , if that immunity ought properly to be overridden in the light of countervailing public interest arising , that countervailing interest would also outweigh such limited value as still attached to B. 's implied undertaking ( post , pp. 926H — 927A ) .
29 The difference was more apparent than real , a question of ‘ words ’ in which ‘ all the details are important ’ in a new ‘ information environment ’ — meaning his words ought to be read in the light of the special status of the Communist Party organ , Pravda , and of glasnost .
30 It has to be read in the light of the underlying principle in section 2(2) of the Act .
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