Example sentences of "[prep] the [adj] [adj] months [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Air/Sea Rescue training school at RAF Mountbatten , Plymouth provided the type of training course relevant to our needs and they kindly consented to a selected few of our senior crew members attending the school for the necessary three months session .
2 For the first three months Barfield is officially the ER businesses ' proprietor and holds any surplus funds they generate .
3 For the past six months Jardines has been arguing that Hong Kong 's largest companies should be granted ‘ exempt listing status ’ .
4 For the past 18 months Norman has had intense physiotherapy and speech therapy to maximise the use of muscles he can move .
5 For the past few months Police have been mounting a major operation to crackdown on joy riders … its the type of accident they 'd always feared .
6 But for some reason , Tina had adopted him in her rough , kindly way , and for the last few months school life had been bearable .
7 For the next eighteen months Amery toured prisoner-of-war camps , seeking to recruit a Legion of St George — unromantically renamed by the Germans the British Free Corps — to fight alongside the Germans against the Russians and save Europe from Bolshevism .
8 The calendar of events form for the next six months period which should be completed and returned before 2 MARCH 1990 .
9 For the next 16 months Blake commuted daily between his house in Bickley , Kent and MI6 's headquarters in London .
10 For the next few months Mr and I are going to home in on a theme for these services .
11 For the next three months Walsh , Hayling , Horsley , Everett and the ever-present Olwen raced around the country in the black Jaguar .
12 For the previous ten months London and provincial cities had been bombed night after night ( on 10 May , three thousand Londoners were killed in the raids ) ; although the worst of the blitz was now over , no one knew it then , and at this perilous juncture in the war Eliot had been anxiously writing against time .
13 During the next twelve months Alfonso entrusted the premiership first to another general , Berenguer , and then to an admiral , Aznar , each governing without parliamentary restraint .
14 During the next nine months Omar more than justified Sandford 's strong recommendation .
15 During the next ten months Jack would fly on fighter patrols , reconnaissance flights , anti-U-Boat patrols , harassing sorties over Macedonia and long distance bombing raids .
16 During the next twenty months Mozart composed a substantial amount of music , including three symphonies and what was to be his last complete mass setting , K.337 ( an incomplete one survives , K.427/417a from 1782 , and the Requiem was unfinished at the time of his death ) .
17 During the next three months Alexander spent all his hard-earned money visiting the theatre , art galleries or going to concerts .
18 During the next few months Mickie spent much of his time in charge of flight tests on the development of the W-3 at Hanworth and the type testing in Glasgow of the four-cylinder , in-line , engine , later known as the Pixie .
19 During the last twelve months subjects that would have been considered taboo , in this Country , have received widespread media attention .
20 During the full nine months period , pre-tax profits rose 5.8 per cent to $47.4m and turnover was up 17.7 per cent to $533.5m .
21 It had been started with two friends by Adrian Cotterell , Polytechnic journalism drop-out , and although the two friends had themselves dropped out after the first twelve months Cotterell had managed to keep enough people together for the place to stay in business .
22 After the additional 18 months exposure of the isolated bones , the skulls and mandibles were still intact , but where any sutures were exposed to the weather they had started to open out .
23 Once that ceiling is reached no further credits will be allowed until the start of the next six months period . ’
24 The community was to be governed according to the principle of ‘ Pantisocracy ’ — a word invented by Coleridge meaning ‘ equal rule by all ’ — and in the course of the next few months Pantisocracy in its broad details was discussed and argued into existence .
25 ( Within the next 6 months work will start on the biggest private house building project in Europe .
26 Despite increasing debt defaults among enterprises and devastation caused by flooding , in the first six months GNP increased by 6.1 per cent , according to the State Statistical Bureau on July 22 .
27 Mind you , I am under few illusions : it is probably boredom in the short-term few months job I have found , and worry as it is , in real terms , a lot less than half my old salary .
28 And in the next seven months Joel Danjuma groped three others — one twice — despite being warned by bosses at Wigan Royal Infirmary not to examine women unchaperoned , Liverpool Crown Court was told .
29 Within a month of nationalisation , the Authority 's commercial manager had identified the more serious black spots in which tariffs for additional domestic kWh were below ¾d. — which he reckoned to be the level required to cover costs — and in the next few months prices were generally raised to this level as a ‘ first aid ’ measure , pending the development of a proper pricing policy .
30 In the next few months Bathsheba noticed miserably that Gabriel communicated with her as little as possible , and then only by messenger .
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