Example sentences of "[prep] the [adj] months of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 WHEN THE GODS WERE ASKED TO NAME AN AUSPICIOUS DAY FOR the sheep to go south to Aula for the six months of winter , they had said the twenty-second of Kārtik , November the sixth .
2 Figures on Sept. 11 from medical authorities in Sarajevo , for the five months of war in Bosnia-Hercegovina to date , estimated that there had been more than 10,000 deaths ; 2,037 people had died and 12,293 had been seriously wounded in Sarajevo .
3 In January l9X1 they seek your advice and ask you to prepare a cash budget for the forthcoming months of April , May and June l9Xl .
4 For the three months of location filming here in Boston , Goldie was constantly surrounded by her beloved brood .
5 She will almost certainly have some kind of disturbance of her normal health during the early months of mourning .
6 An article based on interviews with Betty Sinclair shortly before her death in 1981 discussed her attitudes during the early months of NICRA :
7 All she could think of was Edmund , her young brother , her childhood playmate , her companion and strength during the endless months of darkness .
8 As anyone with regular access to the colour supplements knows , the human embryo and foetus display marked changes during the nine months of gestation .
9 Left : Universal winter-flowering pansies are indispensable for adding colour splashes during the bleakest months of winter .
10 During the first months of war life in Fontanellato was uneventful and the fighting seemed far away .
11 This model of mutual sensitivity and responsiveness becoming established between parent and child during the earliest months of life provides a background against which to examine the main issues of this section .
12 The seeds of this later development may be sown during the earliest months of life .
13 The sight of the measures taken by the regime to deter dissent during the two months of anniversaries of the democracy movement from April to June this year is also cheering .
14 As a new father I am only too aware of the importance of expert guidance through the first months of parenthood .
15 Through the six months of Alberta 's bitter winter each lady tried to outdo the other in the number of coffee parties given and the number of charitable offices each managed to obtain .
16 Some horses that are well fed on hay and grain all through the dry months of summer may never have a real glow of health until the spring grasses appear .
17 Still-larger emperor penguins Aptenodytes forsteri , with longer incubation and chick-rearing periods , set back their courtship and laying to June ( mid-winter ) , incubate through the coldest months of July and August , and rear their chicks through early spring .
18 The more I read of the early months of Nicholas MacMahon the more convinced I became that I too was rearing a prodigy .
19 Over 35% of the annual flow of the Lena , in Siberia , is delivered during the peak month of June , less than 1% in each of the three months of February , March and April .
20 These two areas of dispute sustained and fortified each other throughout the eighteen months of Baldwin 's unease .
21 Although the March general election failed to produce an outright winner , it ended the political chaos which had been associated with the final months of Blaize 's administration .
22 It does not take much imagination to appreciate that maintaining a safe environment in high latitudes and high altitudes with the long months of snow , ice and subzero temperatures will differ from maintaining a safe environment in the humid heat of a tropical forest .
23 Overall figures for the start of the year are up by six per cent against 1992 — with the busiest months of June , July and August still to come .
24 The outcome had remained finely poised until the last months of Henry 's reign , when the conservative cause was seriously damaged by the actions of Norfolk 's son , the Earl of Surrey .
25 Forced March To Freedom ( Ryerson Press , 100pp , illus , sbk , $12.95 ) by Robert Buckman is the Author 's story of PoWs of Stalag Luft III and their two forced marches across Germany in the final months of World War Two .
26 According to forecasts no less than 2 million people will visit Seville in the six months of Expo , many of them for the first time .
27 It was a great blow to them , but Elizabeth was by now in her mid-thirties and there had been no hint of a pregnancy since her miscarriage in the early months of marriage .
28 In the early months of life , according to this view , he learns that she provides food and other bodily comforts , therefore comes to value her presence , and in due course will want her in her own right .
29 Some widows become so restless and panic-stricken in the early months of bereavement that they fear they may be going mad , and you may find yourself having to give your parent strong reassurance on this point , to help her to deal with this common anxiety .
30 As with so many of Stockman 's ambitions , this one did not come close to full realization ; nevertheless , in the early months of Reagan 's first term , the legislature was repeatedly upstaged and out-manoeuvred by the White House .
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