Example sentences of "[prep] the [adj] few months [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He had quite enjoyed that kind of jealousy for the first few months of their marriage .
2 For the first few months of the campaign they had very few weapons and virtually no ammunition .
3 For the first few months of 1952 flying concentrated on standardising the instructors and from February , with the arrival of the first B.2s , type conversion for the staff .
4 A government supermarket in New Delhi has been selling 10 solar cookers every day for the past few months for about £20 each .
5 If a girl is lucky and her parents are alive , she goes to her mother 's house for the last few months of her pregnancy and about the first three months of the baby 's life .
6 She died in 1850 , having been allowed to leave the convent for the last few months of her life to be nursed by her sisters .
7 He 'd have quite liked to have spent the night on the couch in Polly 's living room , as he had for the last few months of their marriage , but it had not been offered as an option and he supposed it was just as well .
8 However , as we shall have to live with each other for the next few months in an electioneering atmosphere , I refer hon. Members to ’ Erskine May ’ on moderation in language .
9 During the first few months of this year I made extensive fuel consumption checks and my overall mpg is 22.73 .
10 It was a fact that quite easily became disheartening during the first few months of captivity .
11 Resistance to specific infectious diseases can be acquired in several ways ( p. 82 ) , and , of course , infants during the first few months of life are relatively unsusceptible to many infections because of transplacentally derived immunity .
12 I kept my fingers crossed figuratively during the first few months of our acquaintance that neither of us would be sent elsewhere on a permanent posting — permanent until demob , that is — because I had seen quite a few promising romances nipped in the bud by one or the other partner being whipped away by the unfeeling powers-that-be , and when a relationship is developing you do need a few weeks of togetherness to allow it to mature .
13 In fact , my sheer busyness had squeezed out the close intimacy I had known with him during the first few months of the year after my operation .
14 The bank held an internal inquiry during the first few months of 1988 , for which Mr Reed was questioned , but he was not shown the report , which detailed the late take-up of shares .
15 You should make sure that you are adequately covered from the start , because the likelihood of a dog running away from home is probably greatest during the first few months of ownership .
16 There seems to be a readiness in the baby to react keenly to visual stimuli during the first few months of life .
17 From time to time , during the first few months of our separation , Otto used to ring me .
18 Fortunately during the first few months of our marriage Bernard , how shall I put it , practised asceticism — I had no chance of getting pregnant , or very little , and after that he was converted to Marxism , and though we were at it all the time for years , he stood over me daily to make sure I ingested a contraceptive chemical .
19 Careful study of the bird trade press during the first few months of 1989 led to the identification of a large number of advertisements offering species , such as the Scarlet Macaw , which may only be put on sale after permission has been obtained from the Department of the Environment .
20 It is during the first few months in particular that these sorts of activities can affect the developing foetus , producing babies that may be premature , and with a low birth weight .
21 Bomber Command lost over 500 aircraft during the next few months over Berlin , and when you consider that this meant 3,500 fully trained men , it can be realised that it was a critical time .
22 As it was , some 50,000 soldiers were to lose their lives during the next few months in fruitless attacks on Chunuk Bair .
23 He organised many other fund raising events during the last few months including a sponsored marathon scuba dive and raised a grand total of £2,000 towards his own travel and subsistence .
24 Cutting down on your drinking , even during the last few months of your pregnancy , will help your baby to be healthy at birth .
25 That their father 's death must be a relief to her elder sister was obvious , for Major O'Brien had been hopelessly paralysed for years , and during the last few months of his life had been unable to speak .
26 Although The Art Newspaper has written extensively during the last few months about the problems the international art trade will be facing in just over half a year from now , I nevertheless want to bring to your attention some other serious difficulties which the art market will have to confront , issues which are quite separate from the general economic malaise affecting business at the moment .
27 After the first few months of feeling sick , many pregnant women find they have a raging appetite .
28 Stretford Bridge could have been little used after the first few months of the BCR 's life , when passengers presumably had to walk between there and Craven Arms — unless horse-drawn transport was provided along the road .
29 So , after the inevitable few months of bereavement , Amy went to work on herself , for herself .
30 In December 1987 the cost-of-living index was 170 per cent above its level in December of the previous year , and even under the ‘ price freeze ’ of the first few months of 1988 , prices continued to rise at a rate equivalent to an annual rate of about 100 per cent .
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