Example sentences of "[prep] both [noun] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Twenty thousand roll of both dice for the football winnings !
2 I mean the strain on families must be enormous in a strike situation and for both people in the family to be having an input and feeling that they 're getting some sort of feedback from the situation that it 's not just despair must surely you know be you know there 's that side to it and then erm from the women 's point of view I mean we have like I said become one big family in a way you know and the social side of the strike in a way you know people are sa you know going out more maybe and certainly
3 Corinthian friendliness towards Athens lasted , as we have seen ( p. 16 ) , throughout the archaic period and into the classical , i.e. as long as Megara was an independent power , capable of causing trouble for both Corinth to the west and Athens to the east : Megara 's tyrant Theagenes helped Kylon try to become tyrant of Athens in the late seventh century and , in the early sixth , Megara fought Athens hard for possession of Salamis .
4 I was present on both days of the inquiry .
5 Studies of responses to both separation from the attachment object and subsequent reunion with it , yield unequivocal support to the proposition that attachments can and often do survive periods of absence , undiminished in strength , despite the fact that attachment behaviour may diminish in strength during the period of absence .
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