Example sentences of "[prep] so far as it [verb] " in BNC.

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61 Under s8 of UCTA 1977 , s3 of the Misrepresentation Act 1967 is replaced by the following : 3 — If a contract contains a term which would exclude or restrict ( a ) any liability to which a party to a contract may be subject by reason of any misrepresentation made by him before the contract was made ; or ( b ) any remedy available to another party to the contract by reason of such a misrepresentation , that term shall be of no effect except in so far as it satisfies the requirement of reasonableness as stated in s11(1) of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 ; and it is for those claiming that the term satisfies that requirement to show that it does .
62 This request gives rise to an action for the coheirs to obtain Titius ’ share of the estate in so far as it exceeds that sum .
63 The position is different in so far as it affects the duty solicitor scheme .
64 In such highly evolved animals as insects the primitive segmentation , in so far as it affects the internal anatomy , has undergone profound modifications ; the segmental repetition of parts is nevertheless retained to some extent in the central nervous system , the heart , tracheal system and in the body musculature .
65 What I mean is , it 's a personal matter except in so far as it affects the syllabus .
66 Thus Article 92(1) states that , " any aid granted by a Member State or through State resources in any form whatsoever which distorts or threatens to distort competition by favouring certain undertakings or the production of certain goods shall , in so far as it affects trade between Member States , be incompatible with the common market " .
67 The committee has asked from time to time , that I keep it updated with er European legislation , in so far as it affects employments matters , and this I 've intended to do in Paper K. There are two Appendix .
68 The Revolution had impinged on their consciousness only in so far as it provided them with land , or took away foodstuffs during War Communism .
69 This volume however is both unusual and welcome because it deals specifically with the work of Julia Kristeva ; it is informative in so far as it indicates the cross-disciplinary implications of her work , and it maintains a balance between the introductory and the complex .
70 ( b ) by finding that a domestic statute passed prior to entry is repealed by implication by the European Communities Act 1972 in so far as it fails to accord with our community obligations and thus does not represent the latest intention of Parliament ;
71 Awareness of Thatcher and Kinnock was spread much more evenly throughout the electorate , and in so far as it did vary it was particularly high amongst those who had recently watched television news or had recently discussed the campaign ( Table 7.7 ) .
72 By the end of the campaign that was no longer so true : awareness of Thatcher and Kinnock had spread much more evenly through the electorate and in so far as it did vary it was particularly high amongst those who had recently watched television news or discussed the campaign .
73 ( One may however ask after the nature of men in so far as it has been men rather than women who have created these pictures of the world and of the ‘ place ’ of woman within it such that they should have needed to construct such a misogynist picture . )
74 First , where the obligations are non-cumulative , i.e. the obligation of each is to perform in so far as it has not been performed by any other party , the acceptance of some other performance in lieu of the promised performance relieves the others .
75 A group is coherent in so far as it has a certain continuity in its consciousness , its organisation and its action ; but its coherence also implies that its members do actually support one another in practical ways that are consistent with the objectives of the group .
76 Decisive victory for either side : that is what Turkish policy , in so far as it has any power , has been striving to prevent .
77 On the other hand , the very pursuit of ‘ respectability ’ , especially in so far as it involved claims to status recognition and participation in local institutions , was a source of social tension , a focal point in the growth of class identity .
78 However , this makes no difference to what has been stated above , since the judgment in the Brugnoni case is based , as the Commission points out , on the general objective of the First Directive in so far as it applies to transactions with the Directive liberalised , and it is clear from Commission of the European Communities v. Hellenic Republic ( Case 194/84 ) [ 1987 ] E.C.R. 4737 , 4750 , para. 9 , that capital movements set out in list A also benefit from ‘ unconditional liberalisation . ’
79 In so far as it applies to Arabic , for instance , it suggests that an ego-centred pattern which is perfectly feasible and natural in English has to be replaced in most contexts by a process-centred pattern which is far more typical of Arabic .
80 Indeed , the passage in Megarry on The Rent Acts , at pp. 386–387 is wrong , in so far as it suggests that there may be a right in a landlord to re-enter peaceably , in the circumstances of this sort of case , between an order for possession and execution of the order by the bailiff .
81 In so far as it comments extensively on his main life work , usually but not always positively , it seems more appropriate that his contribution , while fully acknowledged , should be classified as ‘ informal ’ .
82 Dan Graham has always been about geometry , at least in so far as it informs the quasi-architectural environments he makes ( have you yet been delightfully disoriented by the series of glass-walled , open-to-the-sky rooms he has constructed on the roof of the DIA Art Center 's Chelsea outpost ? ) .
83 Wood which concluded : ‘ The non-treaty Nez Perces can not in law be regarded as bound by the treaty of 1863 ; and in so far as it attempts to deprive them of a right to occupancy on any land its provisions are null and void . ’
84 Despite the fact that the majority of students in adult education are women , the majority of volunteers , part-time workers , detached workers , and assistant workers in adult education are women , those with key jobs in the career structure — mostly men — made no recognition of this fact , except in so far as it influenced their assumptions about ‘ relevant ’ curricula and enabled them to plan programmes which depended upon an enormous amount of female exploitation .
85 Thus , for example , in the case of such a social group as a ball team , the team is the generalized other in so far as it enters as an organized process or social activity — into the experience of any one of the individual members of it .
86 This ‘ immediacy ’ of meaning in oral society he relates to the society 's functional needs , citing Malinowski 's claim that ‘ in the Trobriands the outer world was only named in so far as it yielded useful things ’ ( ibid . ) .
87 Of all the uniformed organizations , the Boys ' Life Brigade founded in Nottingham by the Revd John Brown Paton , was the most distinctive in so far as it appeared to be non-military , committed as it was to the principles of life-saving , even though it had a BB-style uniform and a military command structure .
88 Often they are questions on which the hierarchy of the family ( in so far as it exists in Britain ) has to be consulted .
89 In these circumstances the ego simply has no hope of triumphing by measuring up to the ideal standards of the superego , in so far as it exists .
90 Both reformers and opponents had expected a more striking change in the size of the electorate but in so far as it introduced a new class to political influence the Great Reform Act deserves to be considered a revolution no less and perhaps more — than do the events of 1830 in Paris .
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