Example sentences of "[prep] be held [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The system , known at the time as réduction François , was not accepted immediately in the Champagne community , despite being held in great esteem elsewhere and , ironically — which was most damaging of all to the Champagne industry — used to further the production of German sparkling sekt .
2 Before the end of the 28 days any member or auditor may serve notice on the company requiring a meeting to be held for that purpose .
3 Once major strategies have been set , they are likely to be held for some time .
4 It was announced last night that urgent talks are to be held with public health officials after a survey by the Institution of Environmental Health Officers showed 2,858 out of 5,622 restaurants , pubs , and other outlets investigated were using microwave ovens designed for home kitchens .
5 Last year the Group cut its dividend for the first time since it became a quoted company in 1970 , but this year analysts expect the dividend to be held at last year 's figure , with Pilkington digging into reserves in order to fend off the resulting loss of confidence .
6 A plebiscite to resolve the matter was to be held at some future , unspecified , date .
7 In these circumstances we accept that it is reasonable that some trustees may feel that in the new situation produced by the tax the right course would be for the settled property to cease to be held on discretionary trust .
8 Briefly , the facts in Vestey were that in 1942 the heads of two Vestey families conveyed certain properties to non-resident trustees to be held on discretionary trust for the benefit of the settlors ' descendants .
9 It was 1968 and the Crystal Palace track had been converted to Tartan in readiness for the Mexico City Olympic Games which were to be held on synthetic surfacing for the first time .
10 The information needed , or produced , by each activity was also known , and could form the basis of the records to be held on any computer system .
11 A Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church ( only the fourth such gathering to be held under Soviet rule ) on June 7 elected Metropolitan Aleksei of Leningrad and Novgorod as its Patriarch , in succession to Patriarch Pimen , who had died in May .
12 For definiteness , and to maximize the number of significant digits in the fraction , we require all non-zero floating-point numbers to be held in normalized form .
13 In November it was agreed that a Constituent Assembly should be created to draw up a schedule of meetings to be held on each of the four Windward Islands in 1991 and to decide on the form of the proposed referendum to be held in each state .
14 It is now common practice , and indeed included as part of the conditions of sale , that a deposit may be used by the seller as the deposit on another purchase , although the deposit would need to be held in that transaction as stakeholder until completion .
15 The standard conditions provide that if the seller is buying another property in a related transaction , he or she may use all or part of the deposit as a deposit in that transaction , to be held in that transaction as stakeholder .
16 From the early 1780s onwards an increasingly elaborate network of agents and informers kept foreigners and even many important figures in the government under surveillance , and from 1782 there was provision for dangerous political prisoners to be held in complete isolation in special underground cells .
17 Fourteen other former government officials arrested as a result of the coup and since detained without charge or trial continue to be held in al-Mizze Prison in Damascus .
18 As an employee of the British Canoe Union and its Director from 1980 to 1987 , Ron was the driving force behind the staging of the first ever triple World Championships to be held in one country in a given year .
19 Shells were among the first substances to be held in high regard despite being of very limited use for practical purposes .
20 ‘ Fun , in a perverse sort of way , ’ said Chris Kingscott of Reactor Services , describing their involvement in Power Challenge '93 , claimed to be the largest corporate event ever to be held in this country .
21 To the English , no settlement could be envisaged without consideration of their king 's claim to the crown of France , a claim which might be compensated for by the grant of other territories in France , to be held in full sovereignty .
22 Such an order permits a child to be held in secure accommodation for up to three months at a first hearing , and six months on renewal .
23 Mordechai Vanunu continues to be held in solitary confinement in Ashkelon prison .
24 All three were fined a total equivalent to US$25,000 million in compensation damages to the state and were to be held in solitary confinement at the naval base on San Lorenzo , an island off the port of Callao near the capital , Lima , where they had been tried .
25 Concert to be held in Holy Trinity Church on tenth of July , the conditions listed in the Reverend Mark 's letter were noted .
26 A review of the assessment panel was to be held within one month of Tony 's enrolment and thereafter when deemed necessary .
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