Example sentences of "[prep] [art] past [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 IT HAS been downhill for the past 13 months at Bond Corporation ever since the Lonrho chief , Tiny Rowland , unleashed his first poisoned arrow .
2 Will the Prime Minister come out of his ivory tower across the road , put his photo calls on hold and face up to his responsibility for the past 13 years of Government mismanagement , which has culminated in the worst economic crisis since the 1930s ?
3 CGI 's most visible asset is the Pacbase software engineering product , which is sold around the world — but has n't IBM been hammering away at the software engineering anvil for the past five years at no inconsiderable cost in both money and resources with AD/Cycle …
4 Director for the past five years of the National Campaign for the Arts , he previously worked for the former Labour minister , Mr Albert Booth , and the Low Pay Unit .
5 The Sizewell B design is based on the Westinghouse reactors operating for the past eight years at Wolf Creek and Callaway in the United States .
6 The war of words with Damascus follows escalating violence in Kurdish-dominated south-east Turkey , where the PKK has been fighting security forces for the past eight years in a struggle for an independent Kurdish state .
7 He has not turned up for the past two meetings of the Supreme National Council , which he chairs and which is supposed to govern Cambodia , in conjunction with the UN , in the period up to the election .
8 God Almighty , Nan , I 've been here for the past two hours without knowing hair nor hide of you . ’
9 ‘ As a matter of fact I 've been living for the past two years with a wonderful man .
10 The Adult Basic Education Unit at Darlington College of Technology has been funded for the past two years by a grant from the Department of Education and Science .
11 The 27-year-old centre-half has been at Stamford Bridge for the past two days with the hope of making a £500,000 move .
12 Armed members of the the London Metropolitan force have been pulling in drivers for the past two weeks in 20 operations .
13 For the past six weeks at Bristol Crown Court three companies involved in the manufacture or supply of the gantry have been on trail .
14 According to the police , Fernandez told the investigating magistrates today he had trained for the past six months for the assault .
15 Japanese banks were all-powerful in the 1980s but have been reducing their international involvement for the past 18 months in order to focus on their domestic problems .
16 The refuge has been supported for the past 18 years by the Swindon-based financial services group Allied Dunbar .
17 Posters are far more difficult to monitor : in the past , agencies used to have their own teams of inspectors , but this is no longer done , and the only real check on the presence and condition of posters is a regular service run for the past 10 years by the Poster Advertising Bureau , which reports on the level of damage to posters , as a stimulus to the contractors to take care of their sites .
18 A long ways away from his 20 for the past four seasons with Sheff .
19 We 've heard nothing from him for the past four months since that heart attack in Italy .
20 A government supermarket in New Delhi has been selling 10 solar cookers every day for the past few months for about £20 each .
21 However , the results — far from presenting a more ‘ acceptable ’ picture of English housing — bore out everything that housing experts had been warning the government about for the past few years of increasing housing cuts .
22 He was a big , bald man who had toed the papist line for the past few years under Mary , and was now willing to return to Anglicanism should that be the wish of his Bishop .
23 Many beekeepers have been examining their bees carefully for the past few years in efforts to find the mite .
24 Methadone has been prescribed in Edinburgh for the past few years in an effort to control the spread of AIDS by offering people an alternative to injecting drugs .
25 If the hon. Member for Oldham , West or I wrote to our local tax inspector and claimed that someone had put a form through our letterbox requiring only our signature for the taxation officer to open up our tax affairs for the past 30 years on the offchance that we might be entitled to something , that would be farcical .
26 The house alone had been like a dream come true after the two-bedroomed flat on the outskirts of Stirling where she and her mother had lived in near penury for the past seven years since Shiona 's father 's death .
27 Mind you , the evidence for the past seven years of the Clarke genius is at last collected on an album that , like the Pet Shop Boys ' ‘ Disco ’ , knows where it came from and is chuffed about it .
28 Sparks had been my life for only 16 years , but long before I joined I had admired its style , history and clientele — over a century of selling fine Chinese art , for the past 60 years from that great drawing-room of a shop in Mount Street .
29 ‘ I have been living in a bed and breakfast for the past 15 months with my kids and me in the one room .
30 It has also been running for the past three weeks against The Free Frenchman , which may turn out to be a turbo-tortoise but which started as the turn off of the week .
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