Example sentences of "[prep] [art] last few months [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If a girl is lucky and her parents are alive , she goes to her mother 's house for the last few months of her pregnancy and about the first three months of the baby 's life .
2 She died in 1850 , having been allowed to leave the convent for the last few months of her life to be nursed by her sisters .
3 He 'd have quite liked to have spent the night on the couch in Polly 's living room , as he had for the last few months of their marriage , but it had not been offered as an option and he supposed it was just as well .
4 He organised many other fund raising events during the last few months including a sponsored marathon scuba dive and raised a grand total of £2,000 towards his own travel and subsistence .
5 Cutting down on your drinking , even during the last few months of your pregnancy , will help your baby to be healthy at birth .
6 That their father 's death must be a relief to her elder sister was obvious , for Major O'Brien had been hopelessly paralysed for years , and during the last few months of his life had been unable to speak .
7 Although The Art Newspaper has written extensively during the last few months about the problems the international art trade will be facing in just over half a year from now , I nevertheless want to bring to your attention some other serious difficulties which the art market will have to confront , issues which are quite separate from the general economic malaise affecting business at the moment .
8 They met several times more up to 1985 , but seem to have remained in touch until the last few months of Ceauşescu 's rule .
9 In fact , we only meet this good man in the last few months of his life .
10 And she had made Paddy happy in the last few months of his life .
11 I expect Sinbad feels that as I 'm in the last few months of my final year , she 'd better pack me with as much experience as possible before I get whisked away to act staff nurse in some ward .
12 Margaret had had a paid job with the BUF in the last few months of her membership but with Joyce 's departure from the movement she had lost that as well .
13 Only in the last few months of his pontificate , before his promotion to York , did Bothe recognize the duke 's local interests by appointing ducal servants to office within the bishopric , not only at Crayke ( which lay within the duke 's sphere of influence in the forest of Galtres ) , but within County Durham itself , where Gloucester 's retainer John Redmane was made bailiff of Bishop Auckland .
14 It makes it easier for it to fall out , when a woman is pregnant , in the last few months of pregnancy she produces lots of hormones which relax the muscles in her body do n't they ?
15 Of Callejas 's new Cabinet , also sworn in on Jan. 27 , Benjamin Villanueva Tábora was Economy and Commerce Minister in 1977-79 and Finance Minister in 1981 ; Ramón Medina Luna had been a Deputy Economy Minister ; Manlio Martínez had served on a previous occasion as Planning Minister ; Col. Francisco Zepeda Andino had served as Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force ; and Rodolfo Rosales Abella of the opposition PLH had served briefly as Labour Minister in the last few months of the presidency of José Simeon Azcona .
16 Only in the last few months of his pontificate , before his promotion to York , did Bothe recognize the duke 's local interests by appointing ducal servants to office within the bishopric , not only at Crayke ( which lay within the duke 's sphere of influence in the forest of Galtres ) , but within County Durham itself , where Gloucester 's retainer John Redmane was made bailiff of Bishop Auckland .
17 ‘ I saw Everton more times in the last few months of last season than I have for a long time . ’
18 Part of the improvement stems from an upturn in the last few months of 1992 which was not evident last November , and part from an increase in North Sea oil , which is responsible for almost half the revision .
19 The press immediately took the heat off Margaret Thatcher , went for Norman Tebbit and went for Edwina Currie , and I think that was a part of the success in the build up to the last election , because at a time when the pressure really was on the Prime Minister , like it was a couple of when in the last few months of Margaret Thatcher 's leadership , that 's what happened .
20 Most of the swing to the Conservatives between the summer of 1986 and the summer of 1987 occurred during the winter of 1986–7 , and there was relatively little swing in the last few months before the election .
21 Most of the swing back to the government occurred during the winter of 1986–7 and there was relatively little swing in the last few months before the election .
22 We have noticed over the last few months at Cadogan Travel seem to be noticeably more expensive than the other travel agents used by Christian Aid .
23 The Beaverton , Oregon-based company has been working over the last few months to staff up a new business unit to concentrate on low-end multi-processors , an area it feels offers great potential .
24 been attacked over the last few months of not wasting time on the hunt I spend an awful lot of time relieving heavy goods traffic in my area , concerned totally about the environment , about mineral extraction quarries , mining , open cast , things of that calibre .
25 Mr Major said that not only had the Budget extended the export credit guarantee scheme but : ‘ Mr Lamont has also cut premiums over the last few months by as much as 27 per cent to help exporters . ’
26 Net Trust has launched into action over the last few months in different areas .
27 Police added : ‘ We are investigating to see if there are any similarities to other attacks over the last few months in other parts of the country .
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