Example sentences of "[prep] [art] two main [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the centuries following the Conquest there gradually developed separate styles of penmanship for the two main purposes for which calligraphy was employed .
2 Mosley 's ideas and critique of the Gold Standard were better thought out than Kitson 's and derived mainly from Keynes , but they nevertheless provide the one tangible link between the two main traditions of British fascism .
3 The choice between the two main approaches to forecasting demand for HE — aggregate and component — is often dictated by the availability of data which also affects whether the university and other sectors should be treated separately .
4 The distinction between the two main streams of Greek verse represented by Homer and Archilochus can now be restated in a way that , incidentally , takes account of the essential differences of phraseology between Homeric poetry and the lyric tradition that begins with Archilochus and ( ends ) with Pindar ( V B.C. ) .
5 Three days before Christmas , I was approached by an RUC inspector — a practising Christian — who felt the pain , the grief and the shame of the callous disregard for life which resulted in murder , maiming , brutality and hatred between the two main sections of the community .
6 As things started to go wrong , perhaps inevitably the partners began to question the lack of synergy between the two main practices in the work they were doing .
7 There are some notable contrasts , therefore , between the two main varieties of grid design of the mid-late second century .
8 A distinction must be made between pre-tax and post-tax profits as well as between the two main methods of measuring profitability .
9 Being a property tax — there is not now any contention between the two main parties about that — we can either tax the kind of house and say , for example , that all three-bedroom properties shall be taxed the same , in which case my hon. Friends should be aware that we would soon have tremendous anomalies as the same tax is placed on a Mayfair flat as is put on a flat in a mining village , or we can have regional banding , and then there must be boundaries between regions .
10 With hindsight it is possible to generalise about the two main directions in which this kind of sex difference research has developed since Lakoff .
11 Her cookery book is still one of the two main sources of authentic Scottish recipes .
12 Of the two main sources of pearls those from marine molluscs have always been preferred to those from freshwater .
13 It is the antithesis between these that Schleiermacher takes as the introduction to the doctrine of redemption , which occupies the second ( and larger ) of the two main divisions of The Christian Faith .
14 Yet another way in which you might choose to use the second half of your daily Fibre-Filler is to divide it into two portions and eat one of these half an hour before each of the two main meals of the day .
15 Use of the two main dictionaries of occupational titles available , the OPCS and CODOT .
16 Fox and Stephen Brown L.JJ. noted , at pp. 1080 and 1089 , that the relevant statements were not taken on the basis that they were merely ‘ to be used for a private investigation to see if the police had acted improperly in any way ’ — one of the two main reasons for Lord Denning M.R. 's decision in Neilson v. Laugharne , the other being that the plaintiff there was merely ‘ fishing . ’
17 This was the second of the two main developments in the emancipation process which took place in 1856 .
18 Thus , with the distinctions made between Chapters II and III , the Board of Education sought to establish clear , demarcated responsibilities for each of the two main providers of liberal adult education ; with the universities engaged in more academic levels of study .
19 ADAS offers two tests , using the active ingredients chlorotuluron and fenoxaprop-ethyl as representative of the two main groups of anti-blackgrass products .
20 It 's the irrelevance of this texture which for me is one of the two main problems with the book .
21 How much they need to be overcome to implement a successful international marketing policy is a matter of considerable debate among marketing experts and section 5 of this chapter reviews the idea of the two main schools of thought .
22 In the nineteenth century , the great constitutional lawyer A. V. Dicey identified it as being one of the two main pillars of the Constitution , the other being that of the rule of law .
23 Because the popular classes are in most cases effectively excluded , on account of relatively undifferentiated cultural capital , from even the large-scale social field of artistic production , the interests which pertain here are those of the two main fractions of the dominant class : the bourgeoisie and the intellectuals .
24 These two types are directly associated by Pareto with one or other of the two main types of ‘ residue ’ or basic sentiment — Class 1 .
25 The epidemiology is primarily associated with the two main sources of infection , transmammary in suckled pups and percutaneous or oral from the environment .
26 They have formed successive alliances with the two main parties of left and right , using their position to maintain continuity .
27 Four days later , on 19 May , he held his first press conference since June 1955 and elaborated on the two main points of his earlier statement : first , he stressed his personal legitimacy based on his exploits between 1940 and 1946 ; second , he declared his readiness to be " useful again to France " .
28 The UN Security Council had approved in April the creation of a UN Operation in Somalia ( Unosom — see also p. 38855 ) , with a 50-strong group of military observers in UN uniform , and UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali on June 23 announced the decision to send in this group , whose task would be to monitor a ceasefire which had been signed by the two main militias in February 1992 but never implemented .
29 In this process , battles did little to help either side achieve its military aim , and were not to be an important part of the strategies pursued by the two main protagonists in the Hundred Years War .
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