Example sentences of "[prep] [art] average [noun sg] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Power is lacking , and the user has to be patient to get results , but it is difficult to complain for the average selling price of just over £60 .
2 It is reasonable to suppose that the ‘ leading ’ industries will be willing to concede money wage increases to their workers equal to the rate of productivity growth : this will not in itself be inflationary as the average price level in these industries can be held constant .
3 Transit time was calculated as the average passage time of all markers recovered .
4 In such a model the weights themselves will have a direct interpretation as the average population density per Landsat pixel .
5 There are also documented differences between the average test performances of girls and boys in different curricular subjects .
6 Butler 's examination of this policy from 1952 to the 1970s shows that the differences between the average list size of the four different areas have declined , but only slightly over the years and with a number of upward and downward fluctuations .
7 Attention has already been drawn to one of the objectives in establishing the Scottish Journal of Geology in 1965 , which was the rapid publication of results of research in Scottish geology carried out in universities , so that this may account in part for the halving of the average delay period after 1965 , but subsequent reductions must be due to other factors .
8 Attention has already been drawn to one of the objectives in establishing the Scottish Journal of Geology in 1965 , which was the rapid publication of results of research in Scottish geology carried out in universities , so that this may account in part for the halving of the average delay period after 1965 , but subsequent reductions must be due to other factors .
9 Add on VAT at 17.5 per cent and the revenue men siphon off £1.34 ; 67 per cent of the average pump price of £1.95 .
10 The end of this was indicated by the appearance of a table of numbers ; this was a record of the average response time for both Yes and No responses for all 6 memory set sizes .
11 From the latter a plot of the average slope profile of the landscape could be obtained .
12 Excuse the inane subject heading but this is the standard call of the average programme seller outside Upton Park .
13 It was estimated that the move , which did not require congressional approval , would increase the disposable income of the average tax payer by $350 , and would create a stimulus to the economy totalling $25,000 million .
14 Not bad considering the average package price per week is £230 .
15 These sales leads are closely monitored from the head office and , if the salesperson consistently falls below the average success rate of converting leads into orders , then he or she is dismissed .
16 For a comparison we should note that a headmaster of an average Board school in 1901 received £170.
17 Harris , Sofianos and Shapiro ( 1990 ) estimated that the price effect of an average programme trade on the NYSE in June 1989 of $9 million was only 0.0225% .
18 This incredible sense of duty should be considered against the average sortie life of aircrew in the Command which was never higher than 9.2 and , at one time , as low as eight sorties per crew .
19 The ratio is produced by comparing the implementation costs of £45 million with the average benefit figure of £55 million .
20 The circumference of the head may expand to 36″ compared with the average adult circumference of 22″ .
21 INVESTMENT OPTION GAINS CONVERTS With the average dividend yield on UK equities now 5% and dividends not rising , investors are examining convertible issues as a way of increasing the return from their portfolios
22 City analysts are convinced that the Government will price shares extremely favourably to ensure success , with the average dividend yield among the 10 authorities a little under 8 per cent .
23 Energy costs are low as well , Hardman claims , with the average energy costs of an Urbanbuild home running at £5 a week last winter , compared with £20 a week in the smaller concrete flats nearby .
24 The warning by a health advice group follows a unique experiment in which a doctor switched to a diet including the average adult consumption of the country 's favourite drinks , plus cigarettes .
25 This compares with an average transaction level of under £1,900 at Sharelink .
26 This compares with an average life expectancy in 1975 of 69.1 years for males and 75.2 years for females .
27 He has watched the same badger set for 46 years , he says , and with an average badger lifespan of under ten years , that means several generations .
28 The YAC library comprised 1248 clones with an average insert size of 535 kbp , yielding a coverage of 47 genome equivalents .
29 Over half the farms had a beef herd with an average herd size of 23 .
30 They crossed the line with an average lap time of 30 minutes .
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