Example sentences of "[prep] [art] major [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Where , in fact , are we to look for the major effects of the use of computers in humanities research ?
2 Nor have the old ( developed ) ‘ national economies ’ been replaced as the major building-blocks of the world system only by larger associations or federations of ‘ nation-states ’ , such as the EC and collectively-controlled international entities , like the IMF , even though the emergence of these is also a symptom of the retreat of the world of ‘ national economies ’ .
3 To save on personnel and consequently to minimize undesirable social contact , the original Metropolitan Commissioners had submitted the personal qualities of ‘ forbearance ’ and ‘ calm demeanour ’ as the major responses to the threat , as the inhibiters of opposition , and as a substitute for colleague support .
4 Policy choices reflected what governments perceived as the major threats to the cohesion and survival of the state .
5 There appear to be structural differences between the major countries in the pattern of industrial financing .
6 Particularly important were his decision to tie Germany into the Atlantic Alliance externally and his demonstration that the ‘ social market economy ’ could work internally. : both policies had eventually been accepted by the SPD opposition , thus providing a fundamental consensus between the major parties regarding the shape of West Germany .
7 What are some of the major problems with the guarantees that we 're offered ?
8 This is one of the major problems of the civilianisation program .
9 It has been suggested that most of the major problems in the analysis of modern bureaucracies concern the degree of responsiveness they display in adjusting their behaviour to the wants of the public they are supposed to serve .
10 It was never on the agenda in Britain which I think was one of the major problems in the early days .
11 In his chapter ( 1.2 ) Hargreaves points to some of the major contrasts in the underlying curriculum philosophies informing these curriculum proposals .
12 He had been a survivor of many of the major actions of the war , firstly as a volunteer soldier and later as a commissioned officer .
13 This was used as one of the major defences of the British aid programme in Nepal which was to concentrate their efforts in villages with a predominant presence of ex-Gurkha soldiers which would encourage both better rapport between British field officers and farmers , as well as an ( ex- ) army-style sense of organisation , discipline and work-practice within the village itself .
14 Tourism has developed with considerable speed into one of the major industries of the modern world , and much of its current shape and nature is the result of British innovation during the past 150 years .
15 The multiplication of agencies as a means to greater bureaucratic efficiency may be objected to on the grounds that one of the major obstacles to the successful implementation of government programmes has been found to be the existence of numerous competing administrative bodies which so many programmes seem to involve because of overlapping policy fields and jurisdictions ( Gunn 1978 ) .
16 Of the major languages within the EC only Danish is not currently available .
17 Major changes in these conditions came with the ‘ turnpiking ’ of many of the major roads in the later eighteenth century , the creation of metalled highways by local trusts who paid the costs from tolls exacted on the users .
18 One of the major concerns about the tax system is whether it discourages or encourages the growth of the economy .
19 From the passages on servants discussed above , the description of work can be judged one of the major concerns of the poem .
20 This is not to say that it would not encourage efforts at more intense integration : indeed , this was to be one of the major concerns of the Assembly .
21 This definition suggests two of the major deficiencies of the international legal system — firstly that there is little one country can do if another fails to abide by the rules , and this is made worse by the second factor , the lack of a comprehensive single body of law that could form the basis of a truly coherent system .
22 One of the major accounts of the Renaissance in Italy was published in 1860 by a Swiss history professor at Basel University .
23 It should be apparent from this overview of some of the major elements of the planning system that it intrudes in many places and is a factor which has to be taken into account at every stage of considering what , if anything , should be done with land or buildings .
24 The key submissions came from the IFMA and a joint submission from the Royal Bank of Scotland on behalf of most of the major institutions including the and .
25 The assumption was that the creation of larger authorities ( with larger budgets ) would attract less parochial ( more managerial ) councillors and also make it possible to attract a different sort of officer , less tied to the narrowness of existing departmental boundaries with a management style closer to that of the major corporations in the private sector .
26 As we have mentioned , fifteen of the major corporations in the United States are seen to receive the bulk of government contracts .
27 One of the major incentives to the founding of the firm in 1823 was the need to provide for the S&DR which started in 1825 .
28 In the second year , the state is approached by means of units on comparative government which analyse the institutions and practices of the major powers in the contemporary developed world , and thematic units examining the relationship of war and nationalism respectively to the emergence of the modern state .
29 I was also disappointed that no mention was made in the Queen 's Speech of one of the major consequences of the Gulf war — the plight of the Kurdish people throughout the region .
30 One of the major aims of the shake-up is to de-centralise research — to develop programmes at local centres of expertise .
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