Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [num ord] [adj] days [pron] " in BNC.

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1 For the first five days she was not mentioned , and Edward was treated with polite caution .
2 For the first two days we just go to bed .
3 You must provide your manager with a self — or a medical certificate , depending on your illness for the first 7 days you are off but you must provide medical evidence if you are ill for longer than this .
4 For the first few days we kept the family shut into the cow-shed , to protect them from the cats ; but I really think that if any cat had had the temerity to put in an attack , the hen would have chased it half-way to Gloucester .
5 For the first few days they were all a bit subdued , ’ Bob said .
6 Well for the first few days I found enough energy to take an occasional dip in the pool and play a leisurely game of bowls .
7 The teachers were very helpful and caring , and for the first few days I thought I was getting on quite well with my new classmates .
8 For the first three days we were locked in the classrooms and never saw the light of day . ’
9 There was a rapid improvement in pH and PaCO 2 for the NIPPV group , and for the first 3 days they were less short of breath than the control group .
10 For the last six days they had clung to hope , but they finally felt it pulling away from them — the miracle they wanted just did not happen .
11 For the last two days we went on a two day expedition .
12 For the last two days I 've refused to listen to him and I still think he 's out of his senses .
13 For the last two days I have known what I lost when I left you and , while you should not have believed Havvie , I can understand why you did .
14 Since then , he had returned only when his father was down at the harbour overseeing the refitting of the Russell , staying out all night and sleeping rough , and for the last three days she had not seen him at all .
15 It was near the end of August , and for the last few days it had been like high summer .
16 For the last few days she had seen them , not as her parents but as two hating individuals carrying on a private war behind screens .
17 By the following morning Mr Reynolds was apyrexial and although his temperature was recorded every four hours for the next five days it remained within normal limits .
18 For the next fourteen days I spent all the daylight hours either on the forest road , on which no-one but myself ever set foot , or in the jungle , and only twice during that period did I get near the tigress .
19 Owen had other fish to fry and for the next two days he was busy on other things .
20 For the next ten days they set up camp at Etaples , spending their mornings being marched over dunes , their afternoons being instructed in gas warfare and their evenings being told by Captain Trentham the different ways they could die .
21 Each morning for the next ten days he bore this precious vessel to the examinations balls and poured a measured quantity of the contents on to pages of ruled quarto .
22 For the next few days we made love with a kindliness and consideration we had never experienced before .
23 For the next few days there was no sign of Miguel in the Monte Samana complex , and Shelley did n't go to the village , because he did n't get in touch to ask her to go .
24 For the next few days she had carried the tiny dragon everywhere .
25 For the next few days she refused to speak to anyone , even me .
26 For the next few days he is going to be a bit sore .
27 For the next few days I was horribly inactive , gripped by a lethargy that I could not for the life of me understand .
28 " The neighbourhood was not very populous and during the first three days our visitors were few , some children from the village below , a gypsy woman or two with dark eyes , who carried of a few halfpence , and perhaps a chance passer by .
29 During the next two days I advised on industrial relations problems in catering , computers and property services and sent back three more folders of work to my line manager .
30 During the next few days we lost my pony , two of our riding mules and five more baggage mules .
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