Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [num ord] ten [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 For the last ten years the singers have included choirs from Mapplewell Junior School , Staincross Ladies Choir and , retaining the connection with miners , the North Gawber Male Voice Choir .
2 For the last ten years the spending of the City Council has risen beyond belief .
3 ‘ Would you believe it ? ’ he exclaimed ; and for the next ten minutes the surrounding hills were alive with the sound of music , and the happy splash of rising trout .
4 For the next ten minutes the line hummed as Forbes recounted how the Iranian exile and her daughter had been seized in the middle of the morning rush hour .
5 For the next ten minutes the house was quiet except for the perceptible hum of healthy life from the kitchen .
6 In the following summer the English reoccupied the border counties and Dumfriesshire , and for the next ten years the principal concern of the Scots became the recovery of their king and their lost territory .
7 Within the last ten days the leading Provisional figure , Martin McGuinness , took the opportunity through the medium of the BBC to advise the British Government that the IRA would not move ‘ unilaterally ’ to bring its campaign to an end or declare a temporary ceasefire .
8 The large wartime backlog of investment left considerable scope for economies in new investment , as in the first ten years the length of distribution mains in service were extended by nearly a third .
9 Three times in the next ten days the beacons passed news from point to point — from Rubha Nan Gall across the Sound of Mull to Castle Nan Con , back to Aros , across to Ardtornish and back again to Duart — that the threat that had first been hinted in Luch 's arrival had taken solid shape .
10 In the last ten years the number of phone calls from Britain to other European countries has multiplied two and half times .
11 From the end of World War II to the early 1970s there was virtually full employment in developed countries , but in the last ten years the position has changed considerably as shown in fig. 1.11 .
12 This has certainly been the record industry strategy : in the last ten years the major companies have consolidated their control of the manufacture and distribution of records , tapes and videos while leaving more and more of the musical enterprise to the ‘ independents ’ .
13 In the last ten years the BDA has successfully taken up many individual cases of discrimination .
14 Over the last ten summers the Trabukos Beach Club has become a great favourite with club 18–30 .
15 Over the last ten years the act of consuming a film has changed radically .
16 Over the last ten years the gap between benefits and wages has widened and the new social security system has served only to heighten the disparity .
17 Over the last ten years the use of computers in the work of historians has increased dramatically .
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