Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] moments [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Cilla Black as she looks back at some of the funniest moments in the success of her matchmaking series .
2 ‘ If a sigh is four beats too late , I 'm on the other side of the stage four beats too early and the laugh is dead and I 've lost one of the best moments in the show . ’
3 One of the great moments in the literature of the world is a passage near the end of the second part of Dante 's Divine Comedy .
4 The idea that the appearance of amour courtois in late eleventh-century Aquitaine was one of the great moments in the history of mankind was most powerfully expressed by C. S. Lewis in The Allegory of Love .
5 It completed the 4-0 sweep and proved to be one of the key moments of the whole match .
6 The Famous Grouse Awards at the Café Royal , London , paid tribute to some of the greater moments in the competition , handing out awards for the most notable feats .
7 To redress the balance , we saw some of the juicier moments for the visitors in past Scotland v Wales encounters , yet it hardly seemed the sort of material designed to instil optimism in Welsh ranks .
8 Far more cheerful , I felt , would be a reminder of some of the lighter moments from the world of finance that have appeared in this column .
9 Some of the lighter moments around the time of the release of Easy Rider and Nicholson 's coming-out party , provided contrasting and bizarre elements which were all relevant to the age in which he would become established as their hero .
10 Watching the editing of the Brahms Second Symphony I must say I forgot I was watching a film , simply because I was fascinated to hear new colours which the eye was suggesting by the way you were using shots of the violas and the trombones at some of the quietest moments in the work .
11 Some of the brightest moments in the game stemmed from forwards and backs in blissful unison , fully exercising the courageous Welsh defensive repertoire : Derek Stark , one felt , might have done rather better with his chance in the second minute , created by Peter Wright 's lineout tidy , midfield linkage and Gavin Hastings ' incision .
12 Let us think for a few moments of the wonderful achievements of the human race — the towns that have been built , the works of art that have been produced — the books , plays , films , pictures , music … the progress that has been made in science and technology .
13 ‘ So happy to gleet my good fliends here tonight ’ , he began , and spoke for a few moments on the glories of old Cathay .
14 But pause for a few moments with the two names it introduces us to — Robert Taylor , the author , and the book 's recipient , Percivall Pott , whose characteristic signature it contains .
15 Mark stood for a few moments at the corner of Parliament Street and Bridge Street .
16 He frowned down for a few moments at the damp patch on the matting at his feet , then he shook his head , as if ridding himself of some unwelcome thought , and looked up at me again .
17 Her eyes were held for a few moments in the lazy gaze across the desk , then with a conscious effort she blinked herself free , looked down at her notepad .
18 Before dusk Holly and those who had arrived that day were taken to the Bath house to stand for a few moments beneath the trickle of lukewarm water .
19 The LCP are recorded more closely ( note entirely to the violins ' advantage in the busier moments of the outer movements ) , and although this lends a welcome clarity , I find the results almost totally devoid of charm .
20 In the dying moments of the match , Bruce made another wild swing at a cross and the ball fell to White , unmarked , six yards from goal .
21 A biting , end-to-end wind did not assist the enjoyment of the night for players or spectators , and goals from both sides were each scored in the dying moments of the halves .
22 Yo was left of centre but not militant ; in the dying moments of the Japanese administration he was invited to form a transitional administration and agreed to do so , on the basis of the release of political prisoners and of no interference with the organisation of workers , peasants , students and youths .
23 He sat in silence , calm , every aspect larger , towering , almost as in the uncontrolled moments in the upper room .
24 In the last moments of the retreat , Eachuin Odhar had taken an arrow deep in the side of his neck , and though he could move about and gesture to organise their camp , he could n't speak .
25 In the officers ' mess afterwards , Benson laughed at what he said had been Edward 's expression in the last moments of the interview — ‘ pained , old boy , quite pained .
26 Among the great moments in the reading programme are those when writing has developed to the point where the learner-reader can read his or her own story to the teacher — a triumphant change of roles — and when children are found in quiet comers reading to each other .
27 At a few selected points , the particles crash together head-on , generating energy of an intensity matched only by the first moments of the explosion physicists believe created the universe .
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