Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] days [subord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A consideration of the movement of the partly-paid share prices of the ten privatised water companies during the three days after the issue shows the size of the gains made and supports the view that the companies were undervalued ( see Figure 3.2 ) .
2 Normally a knight expected to serve for about forty days a year at his own expense ; the terms of his service might also be restricted — when and where he served , and for how long he would stay after the forty days if the king paid him .
3 In toads , for instance , the males sit on the backs of females for a few days before the female lays her eggs .
4 A solution is to make the following adjustments and stick to them for a few days while the body clock follows the lead given by your altered life-style .
5 In fact , she did not realise she was to have the honour conferred on her for a few days after the letter arrived .
6 At this stage cut off the complete head and invert it in a paper bag , hanging these in an airy place for a few days until the seeds are quite dry .
7 If your tank contains a ‘ chaser ’ , new fish may need to be placed in a breeding trap for a few days until the aggressor gets used to it — or a tank divider is an even better idea .
8 Brush more gently for a few days until the gums become healthy again .
9 Mr John Towers , managing director , said that in the five days after the poll sales had risen by 20 per cent compared with the same five days last year .
10 Kern 's view adds substance to anecdotal evidence from some businesses in the 10 days since the last interest rate cut — evidence that suggests the corner is finally in the process of being turned .
11 In the two days since the men had been gone the girls had become close friends , beginning from the moment Joanna had knocked timidly on the solar door soon after Guy had left .
12 They have somehow , in the few days since the rains arrived , become biblically sleek .
13 ‘ I am not persuaded that the use of the personal pronoun ‘ him ’ in the phrase ‘ sustained by him ’ was intended by parliament to have the bizarre result that there was no-one to injure or to sustain injuries in the few days before the child was born .
14 Mr Chatfield , you 've been here for , well , as you say , thirty five years — what was it like in the old days before the university was put here ?
15 US trade representative Carla Hills said : ‘ We have demonstrated extraordinary patience and are open to further negotiation in the 30 days before the tariffs become effective . ’
16 US trade representative Carla Hills said : ‘ We have demonstrated extraordinary patience and are open to further negotiation in the 30 days before the tariffs become effective . ’
17 ‘ We have demonstrated extraordinary patience and we are open to further negotiations in the 30 days before the duties become effective . ’
18 Lunches and afternoon teas are available in the Brew House which is open on the same days as the house .
19 I know the system is different in New Zealand but the principle is surely the same : why should n't there be league games on the same days as the internationals ?
20 ( 1 would suggest that you do this over a few days as the list may well vary according to the mood you are in . )
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