Example sentences of "[prep] [be] found in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In high fertility societies such as are found in the Africa region , the modification of these goals would be a first step in efforts to reduce maternal and child mortality .
2 It has a collection of the fish to be found in the waters around Madeira in the aquarium downstairs .
3 A Cogelow tool ( above ) and the sweep of shapes to be found in the Ashley Iles catalogue
4 A major part of the explanation undoubtedly is to be found in the areas of management practices , labour relations and business organisation , which are discussed below [ Chapter 5 ; Bacon and Eltis , 1974 ; Pratten , 1976b ] .
5 In general they offer assistance with all types of problem but are often to be found in the areas of urban development and rehousing which are likely to expose housing , welfare benefit and educational problems .
6 Far more spectacular examples of isostatic uplift are to be found in the areas of the northern hemisphere covered by great ice sheets during the Pleistocene .
7 The remaining members of these 152 ‘ polytechniciens ’ were to be found in the management of leading arms industry companies : Sud-Aviation employed 25 ‘ polytechniciens ’ , Dassault I8 , the CSF 20 , Thomson-Houston 28 , the CGE 37 .
8 The evidence in support of that is to be found in the evidence of Helen Taylor .
9 ( 1 ) The English court 's power to comply with letters of request from a foreign court is to be found in the Act of 1975 and nowhere else .
10 To permit the ex turpi causa defence to be relied upon as an answer to such a claim would , in my view , narrow to a substantial extent the deliberately wide wording of section 6(1) of the Act of 1978 and would , in effect , make a claim for contribution subject to a condition precedent which is not to be found in the Act .
11 By the eighteenth century toy windmills , printing presses , farms , alphabet cards , and jigsaw puzzles were to be found in the nurseries of the better-off .
12 What really interested him , and what he tried to get across in lectures and in learned tomes , were the unities of plan , the homologies , to be found in the animal kingdom .
13 The roots of British Philosophical Idealism were to be found in the philosophy of Hegel , as well as in that of Kant , Fichte , Plato and Aristotle .
14 What is the literary scholar to do with all the information to be found in the concordances and word-lists generated by the new technology ?
15 The law does not , however , regard such societies ( unless formally incorporated ) as having any corporate personality ; it sees only individuals , owning property , it may be , in common , with rights and duties towards each other flowing from the contract , or rather series of contracts , to be found in the society 's rules ; for on every change in the membership a new contract must be implied .
16 The Hawaiian endemic bird pollinators of Freycinetia arborea ( Pandanaceae ) have died out , but the plant 's pollen is still to be found in the head feathers of museum specimens .
17 Finally , important solution forms are to be found in the Red Sea , a region of such aridity that the possibility of fresh water playing a part at the present time can be ignored .
18 Powell was the nearest thing to an orthodox businessman to be found in the Virgin offices , with an understanding of business techniques and practices and no little amount of jargon — studiously drawn from the American magazines to which he subscribed .
19 The clue to the ambitions of the ASEA is to be found in the plea that the training of youths was to be ‘ a continuance of their education ’ , and an aspect of the committees ' work that ‘ should ever be borne in mind ’ .
20 There are many other instances of dietary variations to be found in the literature , as well as extensive overlap in diet ( Brown , 1976 ; Mikkola , 1983 ; Yalden , 1985 ) .
21 This master curve is typical of those obtained on a number of amorphous polymers and to be found in the literature .
22 Two distinct justifications for the market clearing , full employment assumption of the new classical macroeconomics are to be found in the literature .
23 In confirming the wealth of the district the subsidy exposed a scale of poverty that more closely approached what was to be found in the rest of Suffolk .
24 And there is a very good example of this puzzle to be found in the computer business .
25 A striking example of the growth of opacity is to be found in the story we have already referred to , as reported in the Oxford Mail .
26 The most interesting development pointing in this general direction is to be found in the field of statutory as opposed to common law review .
27 People did broadcasts , and if they wrote books , or gave talks on books , these books were all to be found in the BBC Library , along with a fine technical collection and an unrivalled political section , dating back to the days when Guy Burgess ran their first Parliamentary programmes .
28 Easy-listening Christmas presents are to be found in the BBC Radio Collection : The Forsyte Saga , medieval crime classic The Monk 's Hood and The Woman 's Hour Jane Austen Collection , read by actresses Maria Aitken , Juliet Stevenson , Penelope Keith , Janet Suzman , Annette Crosbie and Patricia Hodge .
29 The most obvious manifestation of bias is to be found in the interpretation of data .
30 Examples are mainly to be found in the grocery field .
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