Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [verb] on the ground " in BNC.

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1 All local plans are intended to develop in detail the broad structure plan policies and indicate how they are to be applied on the ground .
2 It 's best to leave the cutting of the opening to a professional builder unless you are skilled , because you will need to know the number and size of needles ( the temporary horizontal supporting timbers that past through the wall , carried on adjustable vertical props ) , and you will have to provide a firm base on which to stand the upright props , which have to be supported on the ground , and not by a wooden floor .
3 They have tree planting campaigns and regular fundraising for another building to be built on the grounds of the training centre .
4 The indemnity basis allows objections to be made on the ground that items are ‘ of an unreasonable amount ’ but , in directing that ‘ any doubts shall be resolved in favour of the receiving party , ’ imposes a very rigorous criterion .
5 There 's work that needs to be done , in most of the major sports grounds , but that 's proceeding and there 's , if you can imagine that there 's , in Shrewsbury for example , a lot of the work which we would want to be done on the grounds have been less than enthusiastic about doing , because they 're likely not to be there for very long .
6 This view is a direct consequence of the state-centrist approach , and has to be rejected on the grounds that it is theoretically mechanical and empirically false .
7 From the outset the wide impact of the ban was and anticipate , the experiment has given me opportunity for it to be tested on the ground so that future decision can be taken objectively .
8 The judges know nothing about any will of the people except in so far as that will is expressed by an Act of Parliament , and would never suffer the validity of a statute to be questioned on the ground of its having been passed or kept alive in opposition to the wishes of the electors . ’
9 Real attention to the quite sophisticated concepts with which religion is concerned has tended to be dismissed on the grounds that , apart from a select minority , pupils are incapable of any sustained thought , uninterested in such hypothetical and academically conceived ideas which in any case are mostly of historical interest and irrelevant to the modern world .
10 Their answer to the question they pose is to say that education systems are to be justified on the grounds that they develop ‘ intellectual competence that would otherwise go largely undeveloped ’ ( 1978 , p. 4 ) .
11 In some schools , there is a tendency for any work to be justified on the grounds that it is ‘ part of a project ’ rather than because of its educational value .
12 ( 3 ) That on the taking of the said accounts and inquiry costs of and incidental to proceedings on an indemnity basis are not to be disallowed on the ground that an order has already been made for costs of and incidental to those proceedings to be taxed on a standard basis unless it should appear that in making the said order the court intended thereby to deprive the defendants of the right to add those costs or some part thereof to the mortgage security .
13 Finally , apart from comfortable seating , do provide ample table space so that empty glasses , bottles or broken crockery do n't have to be left on the ground .
14 Subsequently , the three were to be released on the grounds that the statements of King and others had prejudiced their case .
15 But Lord Justice Woolf has written that , as a result of this case , usually it is not until the application has been heard on the merits that it can be decided whether the applicant has sufficient interest , and it is rare in cases which may otherwise be meritorious for leave to be refused on the ground of lack of standing .
16 Meanwhile Parratt had to be restrained on the ground .
17 The images have pointed to the presence of several previously unknown sites of potential significance which need to be investigated on the ground .
18 It is also important that we do not allow many farms to be excluded on the ground of their size .
19 The planning directors of eight companies were contacted , of whom one declined to be interviewed on the grounds that his company did not use environmental scanning .
20 It was a happy day for Killion , too happy to be spent on the ground .
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