Example sentences of "[prep] [art] early [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 First we examine the trends in population structure in Britain over the last century and the forecasts for the early decades of the next millennium .
2 One should always bear in mind that he never went back on his sympathy for the early stages of the Revolution , and his statement in 1821 , at the height of his Toryism , when he was accused of deserting France , has its own indestructible logic : ‘ You have been deluded by places and persons , while I have stuck to principles .
3 Pugh feels that Hunter 's responsibility for the early affairs of the College has been overrated .
4 It has been suggested that the contracts for the earlier boats in the programme have entailed penal cancellation charges .
5 During the early states of the phased evacuation the logistical problem facing the police was the street-by-street warning of the population to make ready for evacuation .
6 All they needed was the proof , and when a photographer hired by a down-market Sunday newspaper caught the Princess of Wales emerging from her friend Kate Menzies 's mews house during the early hours of the morning with David Waterhouse , and fooling around in the quiet road , they thought they had it .
7 The blaze broke out at Darlington and Simpson Rolling Mills factory site , off Whessoe Road , during the early hours of the morning .
8 Divisional crime prevention officer David Chaplin said : ‘ The dawn patrol grew out of the realisation that by the nature of doorstep delivery , milkmen are out and about during the early hours of the morning . ’
9 Ian James walked in during the early hours of the morning and stole a leather jacket and a handbag from the hall .
10 His 60-year-old wife called in police , claiming he had punched her during the early hours after the ceremony to install him as the 18th civic leader at Stockton .
11 L think most people felt that during the early stages of the miners , strike the British Coal balance with Scargill was not strong enough .
12 It is difficult to assess the significance of the various negotiations which went on between the British and the Indians during the early stages of the war .
13 Also during this day as He111P bomber of 5/KG 4 , one of several units passing through Sicily following action during the early stages of the Balkan Campaign , force-landed in the sea after a raid on Valetta .
14 With hindsight , there were ‘ rumblings ’ from some nursery nurses during the early stages of the course , but the matter only came to a head when a small group of nursery nurses made a formal complaint to a course tutor .
15 This phase culminated with the discovery of the Aberfeldy baryte deposit in 1976 during the early stages of the Mineral Reconnaissance Programme conducted by the British Geological Survey .
16 He added , ‘ The United States Consul General and Dr Bunce , head of the State Department 's economic mission , consider that it was largely Hodge 's convention-rooted antagonism toward the left during the early stages of the occupation that led Korea into the impasse in which it stands today . ’
17 Jack Delano was never an invisible photographer — his subjects were always aware that they were being photographed — in fact he had acquired so many friends during the early stages of the project in the 1940s that approaching the same people in the 1980s was a mere formality .
18 During the early stages of the design , the functional arrangements of a mechanism train have to be explored whilst there is very little physical " flesh " to analyse .
19 Initially withdrawn to be regrouped and reinforced , the police remained entirely absent from the worst-affected areas during the early stages of the unrest .
20 Arriving during the early stages of the battle , he noted in despair , ‘ there is work here for a month ’ .
21 Arcadelt 's madrigals coincide with the upswing of interest in the expressive , lyric poetry of Petrarch , which attracted something of a cult following in Rome during the early decades of the 16th century .
22 More generally , almost in a caricature of Dicey 's views , a belief grew during the early decades of the twentieth century that , because of the destruction in the balances in parliamentary mechanisms wrought by the rise of party government , the courts formed the last bastion in the protection of liberties immanent in constitutional arrangements .
23 Though the Treaty of Kanghwa had stated Korea to be independent , the concept of a tributary relationship remained significant in thinking in both China and Korea , and during the early decades of the Meiji period China maintained a strong influence in the peninsula , being closely identified with the more conservative element whose dominance was resented by so many Japanese .
24 It was only during the early decades of the present century that English studies ( or , more simply , " English " ) in its recognizably modern disciplinary form began to offer an educationally significant challenge to the intellectual and cultural prestige long invested in classics .
25 To them , the new theories smacked of materialism , and during the early decades of the century they were quite successful in blocking the spread of radical ideas .
26 The theme of enhancing Henley is promoted hard during the early years of the Club when backers were eagerly sought — especially from amongst the traders of the town and others in business who were thought most likely to gain from the project .
27 Of those that did , the best is on the vaulted ceiling of what was a college chapel but is now a space occupied by a marble staircase , This is a Glory of Angels and was painted by the Neapolitan artist Giovan Battista Sassi who worked in the city during the early years of the eighteenth-century .
28 17.14 During the early years of the secondary school , and as they grow into adolescence , pupils will increasingly be able to take a more objective view and develop greater understanding of the writing process .
29 Where there 's muck , there 's brass , as the saying goes — and there was plenty of brass around during the early years of the Industrial Revolution in England for those with the skills and the enterprise to go looking for it .
30 So we have the nine daughters of Benjamin James Titford : three died young , one remained a spinster , three were Edwardian brides , two married during the early years of the reign of King George V. Their lives would take them far apart from each other and from Curry Rivel itself — yet they would remain a close-knit family , for all the physical distance which separated them .
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