Example sentences of "[prep] [art] next [adj] months [conj] " in BNC.

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1 If as Secretary of State you get it wrong , then you — and crucially the people you are serving — live with the consequences for the next twelve months and beyond .
2 I therefore decided to strengthen and redeploy the AIB team in preparation for what would obviously become a major task for the next eighteen months or so .
3 ft was just about the last poem I wrote on my own for the next six months or so ; it is called ‘ Believing Is Seeing ’ , and it was also about a carving , the sculpture illustrating the miracle of Christ healing the blind man :
4 For the next six months or so , this former director was often seen by dealers in various winebars .
5 She 's got to put up with you for the next six months or more ! ’
6 There followed a period for the next 18 months where my family , having joined me from Yorkshire , came up to Scotland .
7 Spain 's Alcatel Sesa SA has taken control of two Polish companies , PZT Telkom , which employs 640 people in Warsaw , and Teletra , which has about 1,300 employees making public telephone exchanges ; Alcatel Sesa said it would guarantee jobs for 1,650 people at the two firms for the next 18 months and committed itself to increasing the capital of the two companies by another $25m within a year ; it plans to start manufacturing the Alcatel 1000 S-12 exchange in Poland , where it says it has already built eight digital exchanges in Poland with a $60m credit that was put up by the Spanish government .
8 There are many exciting new product launches planned for the next few months and the prospects for 1991 look very good .
9 It was a matter of time , most steps had been taken , ‘ We are leaving St-Jean to avoid talk ; we shall have to be reasonably discreet for the next few months or so . ’
10 And the other thing is , I am really asking you to give Wendy two more hours a week for the next three months and then review it .
11 The Pavlova Works will carry on for the next three months and some jobs will be made available at the group 's other centres .
12 The occasion will be marked by a series of exhibitions and other events taking place in Spain and abroad during the next nine months and related to his career , achievement and influence .
13 During the next 20 months while he was at liberty Sukarno launched a campaign on quasi-Marxist lines .
14 By the following month , furthermore , Reagan 's rating had dropped ten points , where it broadly stayed during the next three months while the administration successfully defended its budget-cutting package and won a stunning endorsement of the tax reduction measure .
15 However , this does not imply that BT will underperform during the next 12 months or that those shares which overperformed ( e.g. ICI with an abnormal return of +40 per cent ) will repeat their past performance .
16 During the next few months and years , we must avoid continuing in the trap that we were in before .
17 Late last year Chemicals ' chief executive warned of difficult times ahead when he said : ‘ I would hope we will come through the next six months or so without losing more than 100 jobs . ’
18 Even I B M have stated that O S Four Hundred on the A S Four Hundred will be Posix compliant erm oh certainly within the next twelve months if not somewhat earlier now .
19 Beaver hopes to recoup its £7,000 start-up costs within the next six months and possibly sooner if negotiations on a couple of large deals come to fruition .
20 Could I just make one suggestion that it 's made within the next six months as well .
21 There is promise that the tracks may return to Cholsey bay platform within the next 12 months or so .
22 If the same timetable were followed this would mean an initial review within four weeks , a second review within the next three months and subsequent reviews at intervals not exceeding six months .
23 ‘ Live exports will not be resumed within the next few months but we have a case to present , we have started to put it forward and the European Commission is sympathetic . ’
24 The fourteen founders decided to work towards a text in collaboration with gallery owners and auctioneers and submit it to the French government , within the next few months if possible , in order for it to become law .
25 They are the authors of the first of five volumes which are expected to appear in quick succession in the next eighteen months and catalogue the complete work of Magritte , his paintings , collages , gouaches , drawings , objects and sculpture , but exclude his designs for advertising posters and other commercial activities .
26 Karsten foresees a mass culling of products in the next six months and a polarisation into four big brands : Guinness ' alcohol-free lager Kaliber , Bass ' low-alcohol market leader Tennents LA , Whitbread 's White Label low-alcohol bitter and his own Clausthaler as the ‘ premium imported ’ brand .
27 ‘ You can argue that a change in rates might make a decisive turnround in the next six months or so … but recent behaviour of the foreign exchanges suggests that government control is not possible .
28 But , er , so hopefully Michelle will get this next Tracey 's position , and obviously sort of in in the meantime and providing her position comes up they are bringing in a Telesales County Secretary , which was n't gon na come in for about a year cos they wanted to sort of like , trial it , but now they 've decided if that 's what they want the position to do erm it 'll probably happen in the next two months and they said for me to go for it from our division , so I said right , okay .
29 Branson had drawn up what was to become known as the ‘ Million List ’ — the number of things that had to be taken care of in the next three months before the airline could fly .
30 A High Court judge will decide in the next few months whether the tribunal has considered all evidence correctly .
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