Example sentences of "support [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Staff want to thank shopkeepers who support the hospice by keeping collection boxes on their counters .
2 In Scripture there are certain recurring themes which support the concept of spiritual direction and to these we now turn .
3 They support the concept of systems engineering and multi-skilling and encourage ‘ total aircraft ownership ’ rather than specific ‘ skill ownership ’ .
4 Our findings support the concept that the GGFs and other neuregulins have important functions in the paracrine and autocrine mechanisms that are fundamental to normal development and regeneration in the nervous system and in tumour formation .
5 Nor does my research , or that of others , support the concept of a hierarchy of needs .
6 I wholly support the concept of a ‘ going rate ’ for experts to avoid misunderstandings and to promote financial planning .
7 At present even those authorities who support the concept of advocacy tend to wait to be approached by a local voluntary group before initiating a project .
8 These results support the concept that platelet activating factor is capable of inducing pancreatitis similar to that observed after infusion of caerulein and that it is mediated by specific platelet activating factor receptors .
9 In mangrove swamps the branches send down new roots which take hold and then support the branch as it moves ever further out .
10 ‘ We support the Institute in their proposals but not when it comes to making something compulsory which we find simply turns people against it . ’
11 On curriculum management , the inspectorate report stated : ’ There is no co-ordination of the various aspects and strands that support the curriculum , nor are there effective links with the social education programme or with careers education and guidance . ’
12 We strongly support the emphasis on the inter-relationships and fragility of coastal ecosystems and estuaries .
13 We support the emphasis placed here on understanding coastal processes prior to development plans being drawn up .
14 We support the emphasis of data collection and analysis on coastal resources prior to preparation of the development plan .
15 So yeah , I support the Committee , I think on the question of the report I think we need to be absolutely specific about what committee deal with what issue of that report .
16 Ideally the classes support the work done on the production project and it is particularly valuable if there is strong liaison between voice and movement tutors with the director of a project — not least in helping students see how the instructional classes connect with their own performances .
17 If they support the work they may provide financial help towards the cost .
18 Over 150 businesses support the work of partnership .
19 Ideally this will not be necessary if those who send them have a vision for and support the work financially .
20 The Anti-Apartheid Movement and the women active within it fully support the work of the Women 's League and the struggle of Black women for liberation .
21 To those of you whose Community Councils are already members of CPRW , we hope you enjoy reading the annual report and support the work we are doing .
22 I think the parents here would like to be more involved and support the work of the nursery , even though sometimes they do n't have the confidence to show it .
23 Through the United Nations we support the work of the United Nations observer mission in El Salvador which has the task of monitoring all the elements of the recent peace agreement there , including the ceasefire .
24 That 's why it is vital that people support the work of the Ulster Cancer Foundation .
25 support the work of the Anti-Racist Alliance ;
26 I was told that both the new right and those who support the Government 's view — that the present blasphemy laws which protect only Christianity should be retained — had been excluded .
27 7 June The university authorities are reported as saying only posters that support the government and reform are allowed and not those which incite trouble .
28 We support the Government 's promotion of recycling coastal land for uses which require a coastal location , but we feel that such developments as supermarkets that do not need coastal locations , should not be given them .
29 I am not saying that we should allow industry to pollute , and I entirely support the Government 's claim that the polluter should pay .
30 This has been an interesting debate , because there is such a sharp contrast between Opposition Members and those who support the Government in their view of the future of Britain .
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