Example sentences of "[adj] than [art] mere [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 This is more than a mere measure of the offensive character in question .
2 Civilization had to be more than a mere confluence of economic interests : ‘ And until we set in order our own crazy economic and financial systems , to say nothing of our philosophy of life , can we be sure that our helping hands to the barbarian and the savage will be any more desirable than the embrace of the leper ? ’
3 Today likewise Piraeus ' importance makes it much more than a mere annex of Athens and it has its own political traditions , regularly voting communist .
4 This is something more than a mere disturbance of the public calm or quiet but it appears that in the context of public order , the element of violence deemed essential in R. v. Howell ( C.A. , 1982 ) , in relation to powers of summary arrest , has not always been required .
5 They treat Scotland as no more than a mere appendage of England , and seek to impose on Scotland an educational agenda that is irrelevant to the real needs of Scottish education .
6 The organizational separateness and distinctiveness of the state makes it much more than a mere mirror of , or passive receptacle for , the demands of society .
7 But most killers are not homicidal maniacs and the victim contributes much more than a mere coincidence of time and place to his own fate .
8 Changes in content and style — ‘ news ’ was now moved to the front pages , there were briefer stories , news stories grew in importance as ‘ opinion and commentary ’ lost favour , different typographical styles were used to attract readers and make newspapers less severe — reflected much more than a mere process of ‘ modernization ’ .
9 [ T ] he state is something more than a mere collection of families , or an agglomeration of occupational organisation , or a referee holding the ring between the conflicting interests of the voluntary associations which it permits to exist .
10 What booksellers can hope adequately to display more than a mere handful of these — and often then at the expense of much more saleable backlist titles with greater literary and commercial credentials ?
11 What bookseller can hope adequately to display more than a mere handful of these — and often then at the expense of much saleable backlist titles ? ’
12 For Hickey , however , the memoirs were evidently much more than a mere record of past events .
13 This is more than a mere breach of the implied condition that goods should comply with the contract description .
14 The infant Elizabeth will learn that being promised a sweet for behaving herself will result in more than the mere probability of its arrival ; the penny will have dropped when she realises that a promise entitles her to the reward — it is her due , to which she has a right .
15 The golden circle and the golden cap which form the basis of Stephen 's Crown became for Hungary something more than the mere symbol of royalty .
16 This is meaning in as rich an intentional sense as one is likely to get — far more than the mere instilling of ( first-order ) knowledge with which McDowell deals .
17 ( g ) Skipp is to be treated as a case where " there was much more than the mere consent of the owner .
18 If ministerial responsibility were more than the mere shadow of a name , the matter would be less important , but as it is , the Courts are the only defence of the liberty of the subject against departmental aggression .
19 more than the mere fact of existence ; it is as it were the ego quality of this existence .
20 Moreover , his ‘ faith ’ might entail something much more profound than a mere conviction of Cortés 's divinity .
21 But the stakes are so much higher than the mere semantics of the laws relating to lifting at the lineout .
22 The justification advanced — and clearly it has some validity — is that medical opinion is divided , or , more important , that the legal concept is of a different nature from the medical , involving considerations other than the mere question of scientific evidence , such as notions of responsibility or the common good .
23 He must no doubt be acting not for the mere purpose of putting money in his pocket , but for some legitimate purpose other than the mere acquisition of money … … .
24 At the same time both syllabus and materials would emphasise that the primary curriculum is seen as something much wider than a mere list of topics to be covered in class .
25 So your research for this sort of book should be wider than the mere acquisition of facts about bustle skirts or togas or doublet and hose .
26 And presumably the advantage of using a computer for that is much greater than the mere saving of time in a library and taking out a card and putting it in a wallet or erm a card folder or something like that , because you can retain in your computer a lot of information about what books are in the library and what books are out with lenders and so on .
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