Example sentences of "[adj] who live [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The intervention followed several weeks of fighting between rival Indian factions armed with automatic weapons and grenades , which resulted in the deaths of at least two people , the displacement of many of the 9,500 who lived on the reservation , and the infliction of serious material damage .
2 We obviously on top of that want to make sure who lives in the camps and see if they match our descriptions .
3 There is now a chance to secure a comprehensive settlement based on security for Israel , justice for the Palestinians and peace for all who live in the region .
4 Economic and religious factors are therefore held to play important and complementary parts in the explanation of peasant unrest : for those who lived off the land , conditions were grim and unyielding , and Calvinism offered a way of life which might , among other things , free them from the burden of the tithe .
5 Forest dwellers were not to be compelled to attend the swanimotes , nor those who lived outside the forest to attend the Forest Eyre , unless they were accused of an offence , or were sureties for someone else .
6 People of all ages from small children to those who lived through the campaign came to the city for a week to remember .
7 The economic position of those who lived near the coast was higher , and there were wealthy Vahumpura traders in Colombo .
8 The early wool trade is so closely associated with the spinning galleries and those who lived in the farmhouses and cottages that a short explanation of the methods of production may be helpful in understanding the way of life of the producers .
9 What I 'm really searching for is a bit more evidence from the C , all participants as to why the principle of expanding an exis existing settlement has been rejected , I well appreciate that those who lived in the settlement that was chosen would not like it , but that 's not the point I 'm getting at , is there nothing in this principle of building on what 's there ?
10 In North America , emphasis is now placed not only on art history but also on what is termed ‘ material culture ’ — that is , everything pertaining to the lives and activities of all those who lived in the house .
11 For those who live at the home of British Motor-racing , it may sometimes be noisy and congested and it may take time to be served in the local shop .
12 Does he further agree that people in the Province deserve equally high standards of security and protection from terrorism as those who live on the mainland ?
13 Like many other academic initiatives , it seems to have gone largely unnoticed at the time , and its historical importance has been perhaps exaggerated by those who live between the covers of books , yet it illustrates that in Germany freedom is considered primarily as freedom from an occupying power , from external political domination .
14 What they do not tell , however , is the human dimension of the Pacific story — the human reasons behind the staggering growth of the region , the ways in which this virtuoso performance actually affects the lives of the men , women and children of the Pacific , and the ways in which the Pacific people are different in outlook , aspirations , fears and needs from those who live beyond the Ocean .
15 Those who live by the word die by the word .
16 Those who know the Duke recognise his passionate interest in the countryside and the wellbeing of those who live by the land .
17 Those who know the Duke recognise his passionate interest in the countryside and the wellbeing of those who live by the land .
18 Those who live by the spectrometer shall perish by the spectrometer .
19 Indeed I have my breakfast at dinner-time , somewhere around 11.30 a.m. that 's the time for the main meal of the day in farming circles since it is normal for those who live from the land to rise at first light .
20 What they are trying to achieve , these people , is to put an end to all social life for those who live in the country , and most social life for those who live in towns .
21 Money sent home has become an important source of income for the country — especially from those who live in the United States and send remittances to their families in dollars .
22 As churches we feel an obligation to speak up for the least privileged in our society , for those who live in the areas of highest unemployment , poorest housing and social disintegration .
23 They are all criminals , those who live in the barracks huts of the camps , and those who will join them when the train reaches the platforms of Barashevo .
24 ‘ If concessions are n't made for those who live in the desert , the results would be economically disastrous ’ , says US Representative Jerry Lewis ( Republican , California ) , who represents most of the rural Mojave .
25 Though residents find little change in the quality of living under these arrangements , they are generally pleased with the traffic calming that has resulted , though less so than those who live in the streets that have been completely rebuilt .
26 In spite of the fact that since the Clean Air Act of 1956 , pollution caused by smoke has been greatly reduced to the benefit of those who live in the cities , we must not fool ourselves into thinking that there is no longer any problem .
27 Speaking in Birmingham yesterday Ramblers ' chairman Dr Geoff Eastwood said : ‘ While millions of people flock to the countryside to enjoy its footpaths and open spaces , those who live in the cities and are without the means to travel to the countryside are losing out on a great potential leisure resource right on their doorsteps . ’
28 It is in everyone 's interest , North , South , East and West , that London is not throttled and that those who live in the South-east — on modest means — can have a decent life .
29 The homes of those who live in the marshes of the lower Euphrates , or the barrios of Mexico City , for example , are testament to this elemental connection .
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