Example sentences of "[adj] contribution to [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One special case in which the influence of Islam made an important cultural contribution to the development of temporal concepts in Europe concerns music .
2 During the first six months of its existence it recorded 156 combats and seventeen confirmed victories ; most of these at Verdun , where it fought intermittently from May to Though still only partially fledged , the Lafayette 's direct contribution to the Battle of Verdun had been significant ; but this was nothing to what , indirectly , its presence there did for the French cause .
3 Traditionally , all non-teaching staff had been grouped together regardless of their actual duties , but the concept of operational and support groups ( rather than teaching and non-teaching ) suggested that some of these staff who were directly involved with classroom activities ( eg workshop technicians ) could reasonably come under the control of the lecturing department heads , recognising their direct contribution to the delivery of courses and involvement in the operational side of the business .
4 The British contribution to the philosophy of free speech might be summed up in the Duke of Wellington 's phrase , " publish and be damned " .
5 The study also found tribunals frequently willing to attribute some contribution to the dismissal to the employee , which operates like a finding of contributory negligence to reduce the compensation payable .
6 Thus one of the main considerations of the research will be to make some contribution to the task of developing a more sophisticated literary sociology .
7 It is expected that the project will make a theoretical contribution to the understanding of professional learning .
8 Judges , barristers , solicitors and court officials packed into court to hear Sir Brian say that Lord Justice Higgins ( 66 ) ‘ made a very important and distinguished contribution to the upholding of the rule of law in this troubled province .
9 Congratulations to Miss Kay Evans MBE , ex-President and Vice-President of the Society and Miss Eileen Alexander OBE , also one of our Vice-Presidents , on being made Fellows of the Physical Education Association for their distinguished contribution to the work of the Association and in the physical education and movement field .
10 The College of Art was started as a distinguished contribution to the network of music and art schools and today has the same financial problems as every other higher education institution .
11 ’ Can pay , wo n't pay ’ is shorthand : written out in full , their credo was , ’ We have the money to make our proper contribution to the cost of essential local services , but , because we wish to indulge in political point-scoring , we will withhold that contribution — knowing full well that by doing so we will force local authorities either to increase charges for the great majority of law-abiding citizens , or to cut services . ’
12 In our relations with the Irish Government and the Garda , we are determined to secure a further contribution to the ending of terrorism in Northern Ireland .
13 Rowntree made a further contribution to the analysis of poverty by pointing out that ‘ the life of a labourer is marked by five alternating periods of want and comparative plenty ’ .
14 Three further bilateral treaties were also initialled : ( i ) a 20-year agreement on economic , industrial and technical co-operation ; ( ii ) a treaty regulating the West German contribution to the payment for Soviet troops in Germany and their withdrawal [ see above ] ; and ( iii ) a treaty regulating the position of the 370,000 Soviet troops while they remained in East Germany and the timing of their withdrawal .
15 The most successful writer who had lived in an English colony was Aphra Behn , who was brought up in Surinam before it was transferred to the Dutch in 1668 , and her most important novel of American life , Oronooko , was so completely sympathetic to the Indian hero that it should be considered as an early contribution to the cult of the noble savage rather than a book which could help its English readers understand the wider world .
16 The Irish Bank Officials ’ Association , over the years , has made a tremendous contribution to the welfare of its members and we know that in recent times IBOA has been engaged in many struggles to protect those terms and conditions .
17 For the time being , however , he did not discard his academic first-class honours and it remains one of the oddities of his life that the first published work of the future Nazi propagandist was a scholarly contribution to the Revue of English Studies in 1928 : ‘ A Note on the Mid Back Slack Unrounded Vowel [ a ] in the English of Today . ’
18 This already provides a bigger contribution to the balance of payments than either remittances or shipping , and the Ministry of National Economy bubbles with ideas for making it still larger .
19 Persons receiving legal aid should make such contribution to the cost of legal services as they are deemed able to afford having regard to their resources .
20 The architect-owner decided to retain one of these stones as well as the timber shaft and these features make a prominent contribution to the character of the dining-room .
21 When the Under-Secretary of State for Social Security , the hon. Member for Maidstone ( Miss Widdecombe ) , was in a less exalted position , I remember listening to her make a clear and , I thought , slightly emotional but honest contribution to a debate in the House .
22 ‘ His personal contribution to the development of the 79 , ’ Chapman has written , ‘ was immense .
23 As a personal contribution to the stability of British industry ( who on earth invented that one ? ) may I pass on a few nuggets of advice :
24 The other was from the Vice President in charge of Overseas ' Operations , thanking him for his personal contribution to the expansion of European Component Operations .
25 At the interview stage it is important to ensure that candidates will be able to make a real contribution to the business of the overseas subsidiary and be accepted by the employees there .
26 Its prompt action and speedy recovery is an example of its commitment to the local community and its leading contribution to the regeneration of the town centre .
27 We are saying to those councillors , ’ Wo n't pay , ca n't say ’ ; in other words , ’ If you are not prepared to obey the law and pay your rightful contribution to the cost of the local services which , as locally elected representatives , you have a say in providing , it is unjustifiable for you to have any influence , through your votes , on the amount of local tax that is levied in your area . ’
28 In examining the pay advantage of married men over bachelors , we tentatively concluded that for men , but not women , acquiring a spouse leads to higher pay , and perhaps productivity — an indirect contribution to the economy of a wife 's domestic work .
29 HRH The Duke of Edinburgh , WWF 's International President , said Sir Peter made an exceptional contribution to the conservation of nature during his lifetime , and , through his television programmes and publications , made a whole generation aware of the importance of the conservation of nature .
30 There was a real fear that cask ale , Britain 's unique contribution to the world of beer , could be drowned in a rising tide of cold , fizzy keg .
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