Example sentences of "[adj] to come [adv] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I am a Labour supporter with many friends carrying cards , and , despite having observed the ‘ anti-Labour virulence ’ of the SNP , I do want Labour to come together with the Nats , the Liberals , the Greens , the Unions , the churches , the mosques , the synagogues , Uncle Tom Cobbley and all .
2 Tony took the overdose on Sunday night , at around the time when his father , his father 's girl friend and her son were due to come back from the pub .
3 but you , you ca n't make that public and you are still worried that it can go too far to the left and therefore you , you , you 've got a range of , of erm quite moderate proposals which come in which , i if they were implemented , would restrain and would maintain the su the support of the ninety percent , th that you are still only seeking to antagonize really those , those landlords who are not going to be prepared to come back within the system .
4 Despite Rayners Lane 's lowly position , they were not afraid to come forward in the opening fifteen minutes , but could find no way past a resolute Milton defence .
5 They were afraid to come too near the house , so he escaped .
6 Missionary Kate McBeth wrote : ‘ For a few years at first Joseph was afraid to come down upon the Nez Perce reserve — afraid of the surrounding whites and because of the many indictments against him — but this fear wore off .
7 Now unit six is very likely to come up in the exam so when you do this test for Monday you are in effect preparing for the exam .
8 If the unholy alliance in favour of the National Curriculum is likely to come apart at the seams over the issue of resource , so also , given the very different aspirations of those who support its introduction , there is likely to be a parting of the ways over principles .
9 But remember that any increase in death cover is likely to come out at the expense of a lower retirement benefit .
10 A second area of concern about the effects of new technology has been centred around the question of what changes are likely to come about in the nature of those jobs that are left .
11 This week Austin , Texas-based UniSQL Inc is supposed to come up with the world 's first heterogeneous database management system supporting both relational and object-oriented databases .
12 They were supposed to come back to the offices and do a three hour training
13 Of course the Viking/Mbus-based Dragon needs Solaris 2.0 SMP — which is supposed to come out by the end of the year .
14 People have known for some time what has been going on , and I 'm surprised it has taken this long to come out into the open .
15 But the plans came to nothing when council officers were unable to come up with the money to help host the event which runs from March 3–5 .
16 Then I found her outside the kitchen door , crying , she 'd lost her shoes what with one thing and another and she was too ashamed to come back into the house .
17 Cellini may not be able to come up with the goods .
18 However , its subsidiary , Barclays Direct Mortgage Services , was able to come up with the sums in a matter of days .
19 ‘ But I 'll be able to come home in the evenings and you can teach me the things I need to know , ’ said Endill .
20 The tide was going out , she saw ; if she walked along the parade as far as the pier , she would be able to come back along the sands .
21 Are you able to come out at the weekend with us ? ’
22 ‘ Oh , is that why you thought it safe to come back to the parlour after your arduous work in the surgery ? ’ said McAllister dangerously , casting a sarcastic eye at the half-read novel in his hand .
23 Just when you thought it was safe to come out of the closet .
24 The Late Show , challenged by David Hare to decide whether Keats was more important than Dylan , now seems inclined to come down on the side of Keats .
25 Nonindividualistic conceptions are likely to be among the expensive tastes since their realization depends on the cooperation of others , and they will take some convincing to come round to the agent 's point of view .
26 Already in his first novel , Boccalone ( 1979 ) , widely recognized as the best to come out of the youth movement of the late 1970s , Palandri had shown an extraordinary ability to create sufficient space for his characters , ‘ enrico ’ and ‘ anna ’ and their friends , to speak for themselves without being overwhelmed by the surrounding clutter or by the pretensions of ‘ literature ’ , pretensions from which the narrator keeps his distance : ‘ I do n't want to make big speeches , I never did when I was with anna and I was better off ; I just want to recount incidents and let the rest come out of that , if there actually is anything ’ ( Palandri 1979 : 124 ) .
27 The celebration of Artai 's Khanate having properly commenced , the common people were anxious to come close to the path of their newly enthroned lord through their city .
28 But erm it was diagnosed late , you see , having polyneuritis for three months , that the er the movement was last to come back in the toes and feet .
29 Aung San got through a message that he was ready to come over to the Allies while the Japanese understood that he would be fighting for them .
30 The night shift volunteer was standing next to me getting ready to come on to the phones and as I came off a call he started to chat to me .
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